Describe the specific goals of green globe 21

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Reference no: EM132651


(a) Tourism is often regarded as one of the world's largest industries. Tourism has been experiencing rapid growth in many parts of the world during the past decades. Any economic activity has a range of impacts on the immediate environment and given the phenomenal pace of tourism development, there are wide ranging apprehensions about the impacts of tourism on host destinations

Discuss the main negative impacts (economic, socio-cultural and environmental) of tourism on host destinations with special reference to island destinations

(b) The vulnerable nature of our planet has raised concerns for ‘sustainability' and ‘sustainable development'. Define the terms ‘sustainability' and ‘sustainable development'. Explain why and how there is a growing concern for sustainability and further describe the fundamental components of ‘sustainable development'

(c) Sustainable tourism is a concept which was developed mainly during the late 1980s following on from the popularisation of the concept of sustainable development and the growing recognition of the potential for tourism to have a negative impact on the environment

Define sustainable tourism and describe the fundamental characteristics of a ‘sustainable tourism strategy'


The Green Globe (21) programme was established by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) with the aim of implementing the Agenda 21 principles defined at the Rio Earth Summit (1992). It is now acclaimed as the most comprehensive accreditation scheme which has been developed for the certification of tourism sustainability.

(a) Describe the specific goals of Green Globe 21.

(b) What are the main priority action areas of Green Globe 21?

(c) What are the main constituents of the ‘Green Globe 21 Programme'?

(d) Discuss how GG21 is likely to make a substantial contribution towards the cause of sustainability


(a) Every action plan or form of tourism that seeks to move away from conventional tourism is believed to contribute to a destination's sustainability. Differentiate between ‘conventional tourism' and ‘alternative tourism'

(b) ‘Heritage Tourism' is often claimed to be a sustainable form of tourism. Define heritage tourism and explain how it is different from conventional tourism. Discuss the foundations of heritage tourism

(c) "The success behind heritage tourism fundamentally lies in local people knowing and learning about their history". Comment upon this statement


(a) Differentiate between a ‘tourism product' and a ‘tourism package'

(b) "The tour operator is a manufacturer of the tourism product unlike the travel agent who is the retailer of the tourism products". Discuss this statement with special reference to the functions and roles of tour operators

Reference no: EM132651

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