Describe the speaker''s movement and gestures.

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM13967950

1. Describe the speaker's personal appearance (dress). What does the speaker's appearance communicate to you? (State at least two conclusions based on your observations.)

2. Describe the speaker's movement and gestures. What do the speaker's movements and gestures communicate to you? (State at least two conclusions based on your observations.)

3. Describe the speaker's facial expressions. What do the speaker's facial expressions communicate to you? (State at least two conclusions based on your observations.)

4. Describe the speaker's eye contact. What does the speaker's eye contact communicate to you? (State at least two conclusions based on your observations.)

5. Based on nonverbal analysis in questions #1 through #4, how do you think the speaker will sound? (Identify at least three vocal charactistics and justify each with specific reasons.)

View the video WITH SOUND for question #6.

6. How does the speaker's nonverbal communication enhance or detract from their verbal delivery? (Describe at least three examples of how the speaker's nonverbals match or)

Reference no: EM13967950

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