Reference no: EM133227086 , Length: word count:1200
Working in partnership
As an early years practitioner, you should encourage and be proactive in developing partnership working.
1 Consider your role and those you work with both internal and external when working in partnership and give reasons why you do so.
2 You will need to follow certain procedures when partnership working, please summarize here all policies and legalization you adhere to.
3 Explain the roles of others involved in the partnership working when supporting children
4 Convering the following points please evaluate how partnership working :
Meets children's individual needs
Safeguards children
Supports a child's transition
5 A child may come from a different family structure to you or other children in the setting explain them here.
6 There will be many benefits of working with others for a child or family in your setting, please analyze (the advantages and disadvantages) them here fully.
7 As a practitioner you may see a family needs support in some way, 8 identify those needs here and what support you would or could give.
9 ,10 Often partnership working can be a challenge or unsuccessful, describe the sorts of barriers you may encourage and alongside give the strategies to overcome the barriers.
11 Partnership working can be very complex for a variety of reasons , evaluate them here.
12 You may have to at some point disclose information and need to keep confidentiality , keeping that in mind. Analyse the potential tension in doing so and meeting the following points
Poor practice has been identified
A child is at risk
You suspect a crime has or about to be committed.