Reference no: EM133797116
Jamal, an African American service member, faces discrimination when he's passed over for leadership positions in favor of less qualified white peers. This pattern of discrimination has led to feelings of frustration and disempowerment and negatively impacted his career progression.
- Describe the social work ethical principles and values that are pertinent to this case.
- Identify two intervention strategies that can be implemented to support the service member and explain why they could be beneficial.
- Describe how a social worker could be an advocate for underrepresented populations in the military. Consider the advocacy needs of female service members, service members from minority racial backgrounds, and LGBTQ+ service members.
- Explain how social work practice can promote a culture of understanding and inclusion in the military towards individuals with historically marginalized identities.
Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
McNamara, K. A., Shipherd, J. C., & Adirim, T. (2023). Mental health of LGBT service members and veterans Download Mental health of LGBT service members and veterans. In C. H. Warner & C. A. Castro (Eds.), Veteran and military mental health: A clinical manual (pp. 359-373). Springer Publishing.
Credit Line: Veteran and Military Mental Health: A Clinical Manual, 1st Edition by Warner, C.; Castro, C. Copyright 2023 by Springer Publishing. Reprinted by permission of Springer Publishing via the Copyright Clearance Center. Licensed in 2023.
Blue Star Families. (2022). Blue Star Families' social impact research 2021: The diverse experiences of military & veteran families of color. Blue Star Families' Department of Applied Research.
Breaux, H. P., & Thyer, B. A. (2021). Transgender theory for contemporary social work practice: A question of values and ethics. International Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 18(1), 72-89.
Schultz, D., Hunter, K. M., Skrabala, L., & Haynie, J. G. (2023). Improving support for veteran women: Veterans' issues in focus. Rand Health Quarterly, 10(2), 10.