Describe the situation with the hr professional

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131764129

250 words Strategic Management and Business Policy UNIT V

Part: 1 In today's economic environment, which of the five steps in the strategic planning process do you think is the most important? Give an example of an industry where this would be the most important step.

Do you think that a different industry might place more emphasis on another step in the strategic planning process? Why?



Part One: Share your college degree plans, briefly explain what degree you are pursuing, why, and how you think taking this course will assist you in achieving your personal or professional goals in life.

Part Two: At some point in your working life, you've likely dealt directly or indirectly with an HR professional. This could have been a simple phone call to set up an interview, the interview itself, or perhaps as part of the new hire on-boarding process.

For some, dealing with HR may have occurred at work for some reason or another.

Describe an experience you've encountered with an HR professional. Describe the situation with the HR professional; was it a positive or negative experience? Could the HR professional have done anything differently to improve the outcome?


Part I: For decades Congress has enacted a plethora of employee protection legislation which by design levels the playing field requiring employers to deal more fairly with their employees.

Select one federal employee protection law, summarize it, explain why you think this law is necessary, and discuss if you believe the law is accomplishing its intended benefits.

Reference no: EM131764129

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