Reference no: EM133502321
Homework: Anatomy Autoimmune Vasculitis Immune Disorder Essay
This homework allows you to reflect on what you learn in the course, write about a medical problem, and discuss it with your classmates.
You will write a short paper on a medical problem that you, a family member, and/or a close friend have experienced. The medical problem must relate to one of the units in this course. The due date for this homework will depend on the topic you select and its application to the subject matter of the course (i.e., if your medical problem is a bone-related disease, then it would be assigned right after we finish the skeletal system).
After you post the paper, you must lead a discussion with your classmates, who will respond to your post with questions and provide extra information pertinent to your post. In each unit, you are also required to read the medical experience papers shared by your classmates and respond to at least 2 of them.
Your instructor will provide you with the start and end dates of the discussions.
Topic Selection
Choose a medical problem you want to write about and prepare a 'trailer' about the medical experience that you, a family member, or a close friend has/had that is relevant to one of the topics that we are studying in BIO 142. They are the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, the immune system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, fluid and electrolytes, the digestive system, and the reproductive system.
Here are two examples of trailers by previous students, used with permission:
I. Example Trailer I: Last year, my grandmother had a group of friend's visiting. When they left, she took a nap and woke up with no muscle function in her whole right side and was unable to open her eyes. Respiratory distress came later on within the hour. The sudden onset of Guillain¬Barré Syndrome which didn't allow any of her nerves to send the signals to her brain to move. She went through intense therapies, medications, and rehab to gain the strength back. I work in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at UVA and am/was very interested in her condition as it deteriorated her so rapidly with no onset warnings. I work in the Neuro ICU at UVA Medical Center and see other patient's come in and out of our unit with Guillain-Barré and all of their results vary so drastically. I would love to look into this topic more.
II. Example Trailer II: My grandfather was a cigarette smoker, since the time he was 15 or 16 years old, and so is my dad. Most Vietnamese males are smokers. It is just like a culture thing in Vietnam. Offering a cigarette is a way of greeting, like shaking hands to start a friendly conversation, or to conduct business. After 60 pack years in smoking, my grandfather started coughing and developed chest pain. He lost a lot of weight in a few months. The coughing got worse, but he insisted that he did not have any problems, until he coughed out blood and fainted. My parents called 911 to take him to the hospital. The doctor ordered a lung scan, and found a mass in his right lung. After a complete checkup, the doctor concluded that my grandfather had advanced stage lung cancer. The tumor was inoperable. My grandfather passed away a few months later. I would like to find out more about this deadly disease, and its relationship to smoking.
Your Permission Statement
Sometimes your trailer for this homework is so impressive that your team of instructors would like to use them as an example for other students or presentations to other instructors. We need your permission to do that: Would you please include a statement in your post that gives us that permission? It can be: "I permit the team of BIO 141 instructors to use a post that I may write as part of this homework for example for future students or presentation purposes". You may copy and paste this statement into your post. Your name and any information that identifies you or anyone else in your writing will be removed. If you do not include this statement, we won't use your work.
Note the following:
1. You should pick your subject and write your trailer as early as possible. Everyone must write about a different medical problem. You will have to choose a different topic if someone already posted a similar problem in the Topic Selection forum.
2. Your instructor will respond within a few days of your post and let you know if your title is accepted and the date by which you must post your medical experience paper.
Medical Experience Paper
This homework is an opportunity for you to synthesize and use the information you learn in the course to educate your classmates and increase your knowledge base. You are expected to conduct some research about your topic and integrate that research into what you've learned from your text and your experience.
Here are the questions you should answer:
Question A. Explain, with appropriate details, the normal anatomy and physiology of the organs/structures that are affected by your chosen medical problem.
Question B. How is the homeostasis of the anatomical structures and physiological processes affected by the condition? Be thoughtful and thorough as you consider homeostasis.
Question C. Describe the signs and symptoms of the condition briefly.
Question D. Discuss any differential diagnoses issues related to your topic.
Question E. Summarize treatment options.
Question F. How did this medical problem impact you personally?