Reference no: EM132538334
Questions: Familiarize yourself with Psychoanalysis and the Neo-Freudians with Module 5's objectives, introduction, video, and articles. Use the articles in Module 5 as your primary reference, then use the St Leo Online Library for peer review sources and to find relevance to this week's topic.
Please share your information with our classmates on this thread.
• Sigmund Freud's theory of personality involved three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. Each element can work together or independently. In your own words, describe each element and how they contribute to one's personality.
• This week's text introduced four notable neo-Freudians: Alfred Adler, Erik Erickson, Carl Jung, and Karen Horney. Which theorist focused on social motives for behavior opposed to sexual or aggressive motives like Freud? Which view do you support and why?
Please respond to the discussion. Responses to at least two classmates.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me, or populate a question in the ‘FAQ' thread, or send a question to Dr. Dunn. I will also be asking questions in the thread to help discussions and learning.
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Describe the sigmund freud theory of personality
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: Anthropologists have defined culture as a body of learned belief, values, traditions, and guides for behavior sharing among members of a group.
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