Reference no: EM132714460
GEOG 1221 Introduction to Physical Geography - Thompson Rivers University
Field Exercise-Weather Observations
Should only be the climate of Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Please answer the following questions.
16. For this part of the assignment, you are asked to keep a "cloud diary" for your study area for at least three consecutive days. To do well, you must:
• Describe the sequence of cloud types and associated weather for three consecutive observation days.
• Make the observations from the same point at the same time, three times each day (e.g., morning, midday, and evening). Submit photos of the observations at the three times.
• Explain what you see by referring to the daily weather maps of your region, which you can obtain from television's "Weather Network," radio, or the Internet (this is an essential part of the assignment and prepares you for using a range of current sources in Assignment 1).
• You may wish to include your own photographs of the cloud types and sequences that you observe.
• Submit the rough daily notes from your observation, together with links to any Internet weather maps or other sources used for the observation period.
Follow the instructions below and enter your observations. Use additional pages for other comments and explanations, where necessary.
a) Description of observation site
For this part of the assignment, you must note:
• The observation period (day, month, year, times of observation).
• Whether the site is rural or urban.
• Approximate latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates and elevation.
• Proximity to ocean, lakes, or mountains.
• Information on other factors that may influence local and regional weather.
• You may wish to include a location map.
Attachment:- Introduction to Physical Geography.rar