Describe the role of the recruiting agency

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132610908

Assignment: You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by "State University" to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job description for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your action plan and presentation.

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint slide presentation for the HR team of the university that details your recruitment strategy, process, procedures, and the timeline for the completion of this contract.

Your submission must be comprehensive to include the role of the recruiting agency and the role of the university HR team and line management in the recruitment and selection process.

Submission Instructions: Submit your work as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 10-12 presentation slides, plus a title slide, introduction slide(s) detailing the presentation agenda, and a reference(s) slide for a total of no more than 15 slides.

You must support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, and include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (Note: do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites).

Helpful Tips:

Your grade will be based upon:

• Use of PowerPoint software as a presentation and marketing tool, to include the use of color, graphics, and research citations.

• Depth and applicability of the research that you conduct.

• Effectiveness of the recruiting presentation and proposal as a consulting tool.

• Critical thought and analysis.

• APA formatting (APA, 7th Edition).

• Use of the PowerPoint Notes section

Students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation to minimize lengthy wording on the slides. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section.

APA Resources:

I encourage you to go online to Purdue OWL, or Excelsior OWL, which have writing labs for students. Look up PowerPoint presentations in APA format in the search box. These websites will have helpful tips on best practices.

Reference no: EM132610908

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