Describe the role of public health professionals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133377983


1. Describe the general employment trends in the health care sector.

2. Discuss some of the reasons there may be a physician shortage rather than a surplus.

3. Describe the geographic distribution of physicians across the United States. In addition, list the governmental initiatives taken to improve physician distribution.

4. Discuss the role of osteopathic medicine in the United States.

5. Describe the role of public health professionals.

6. What factors contribute to the nursing shortage?

7. Discuss trends in the pharmacy profession.

8. Discuss the issues associated with the use of physician assistants and nurse practitioners.

CHAPTER 14: The Quality of Health Care

1. What is quality?

2. How do we measure quality?

3. Define structure, process, and outcome in the context of quality assurance.

4. What are the six possible interventions to improve adoption of improved treatment practices?

5. Describe the taxonomy of quality-improvement strategies.

6. What types of disparities exist within the U.S. health care system, and how can we eliminate them?

7. What are report cards?

8. Describe the improvements that can be made to increase the quality of health care services.

Reference no: EM133377983

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