Describe the role of psychologist who works in subfield

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Reference no: EM133526399


1. Describe a subfield in psychology related to your major or career path. (For example, Social work major, you might explore Industrial Organizational Psychology).

2. Describe the role of a psychologist who works in the subfield. (For example, what does an IO psychologist do? Describe their tasks, who they work with, environments they work in, populations they serve, etc.)

3. How does this subfield complement your major? In what ways might the work of a psychologist in this subfield impact your future career?

4. Describe another subfield in psychology related to your major or career path. (For example, if you are an Information Security major, you might explore Quantitative Psychology).

5. Describe the role of a psychologist who works in the subfield. (For example, what does a quantitative psychologist do? Describe their tasks, who they work with, environments they work in, populations they serve, etc.)

6. How does this subfield complement your major? In what ways might the work of a psychologist in this subfield impact your future career.

Reference no: EM133526399

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