Reference no: EM13654678
Choose a television show, film, or piece of literature that you believe suggests a moral choice. First, give a brief overview of the story to give context to the situation. Was the rationale for this choice convincing? In your discussion, include how self-interest, altruism, moral absolutism, or other categories of morality are portrayed in these decisions.
When addressing the discussion topic, be sure to organize your main post. Be sure to consider the following:
Name the television show, film, or piece of literature that you will discuss. Be specific. If it is a TV series, focus on a single episode.
Describe the RELEVANT plot elements that include the moral dilemma. Specify what was the moral dilemma you are discussing. Be brief!
Say whether the rationale for the moral choice made in response to this dilemma was convincing. In other words, was the thought process that went into the moral choice good, and informed? A moral choice always involves a human being making a decision. There must be at least two alternatives to choose from. The decision must not be an easy or simple one. It must have something to do with "right" and "wrong."
Incorporate some terms into your discussion, if possible. Examples might be "self-interest," "altruism," "moral absolutism," "moral courage,"and other terms outlined in our reading for this Unit.
How much heat is releasedby the water when it freezes
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Describe the relevant plot elements
: Describe the RELEVANT plot elements that include the moral dilemma. Specify what was the moral dilemma you are discussing. Be brief!
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Find how much time does this maneuver take
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