Describe the quotient ring

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131105639

2012 Honors Examination in Algebra

Part A

1. Prove that the number of inner automorphisms of a group G equals the index of the center [G: Z(G)].

2. Let Z[i] = {a + bi| a, b ∈ Z } denote the Gaussian integers. Describe the quotient ring Z[i]/(3). What are its elements? What sort of algebraic structure is it?

3. Let V be a vector space and T: V → V be a linear transformation (i.e., a linear operator on V). Show that if T2 = T, then V is the direct sum V = Im(T) ⊕ Ker(T) of the image and the kernel of T. Describe how to pick a nice basis for V relative to this direct sum, and give the matrix of T in that basis.

Part B

4. Let Sn denote the symmetric group on {1, 2, . . . , n} and view Sn-1 ⊆ Sn as the permutations which fix n.

(a) Is Sn-1 a normal subgroup? Justify.

(b) The elements in each coset have a distinguishing feature. What is it? You should be able to identify that two permutations are in the same coset by this feature.

(c) Let Sn act on these cosets by left multiplication: g · (hSn-1) = (gh)Sn-1. This is a familiar action of the symmetric group. Describe it clearly.

5. Construct a finite field of order 9 as a quotient E = F[x]/(p(x)). Find a generator of the multiplicative group of E.

6. A proper ideal Q of a commutative ring R is called primary if whenever ab ∈ Q and a ∉ Q then bn ∈ Q for some positive integer n.

(a) Give an example of an ideal in Z that is primary but not prime.

(b) Prove: An ideal Q of R is primary if and only if every zero divisor in R/Q is nilpotent. (An element a in a ring is nilpotent if an = 0 for some positive integer n).

(c) Use part (b) to show that (x, y2) is a primary ideal in Q[x, y].

7. Let A be an abelian normal subgroup of G and write G¯ = G/A. Show that G¯ acts on A by conjugation: g¯ · a = gag-1 where g¯ = gA. Under what condition on G is this action faithful? (i.e., the map G¯ → Sym(A) is one-to-one, where Sym(A) is the group of permutations of A). Give an explicit example illustrating that this action is not well-defined if A is not abelian.

Part C

8. Let H be a subgroup of the finite group G with n = [G : H] and let X be the set of left cosets of H in G. Let G act by multiplication on X, i.e., g ·(xH) = (gx)H, and let φ: G → Sym(X) be the corresponding homomorphism to the permutation group of X.

(a) Show that ker(φ) is the largest normal subgroup of G that is contained in H.

(b) Show that if n! is not divisible by |G|, then H must contain a nontrivial normal subgroup of G.

(c) Let |G| = 108. Show that G must have a normal subgroup of order 9 or 27.

9. The Galois group of E = Q(i, 4√2) over Q is Gal(E/Q) ≅ D4, the dihedral group of order 8.

(a) Give a basis for E as a vector space over Q.

(b) The dihedral group is presented by D4 = (σ, τ | σ4 = 1, τ2 = 1, τσ = σ-1τ}. Describe the field automorphisms that correspond to σ and τ.

(c) Find the fixed field corresponding to the subgroup hσi and the fixed field corresponding to (τ).

(d) Show that (τ) is conjugate to (σ2τ) and then illustrate how to use this information to find the fixed field of (σ2τ).

10. Let G = {g1, g2, . . . , gn} be a finite group with |G| = n. As is done with the regular representation of G, label an ordered basis of Cn with the elements of the group {eg1, eg2, . . . , egn}. Only now, act on the basis by conjugation instead of left multiplication. Thus

ρ : G → GLn(C)

g |→ ρg

where ρg(eh) = eghg^-1 .

(a) Prove that this is a representation.

(b) Discuss whether this representation is faithful (sometimes, always, never, when?).

(c) Discuss whether this representation is irreducible.

(d) Find a nice formula for the corresponding character χ(g).

Reference no: EM131105639

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