Describe the quality of relationship with manager

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133215597

Describe thoroughly the quality of your relationship with your manager.

(I am a Business Management student working as an office assistant)

  1. What are the leadership traits or behaviors that she or he exhibits (be sure to draw from the leadership theories)?
  2. In what ways does your organization/manager enhance your performance?
  3. In what ways does your organization/manager hinder your performance?
  4. What steps can you take to cope more effectively with these organizational/managerial factors?
  5. Be specific and apply relevant course concepts when answering the questions.

If you are a manager or leader (when you would become one):

  1. Describe your leadership approach (or the leadership approach that you believe you would most likely demonstrate - again using the leadership approaches/theories in the course materials).
  2. What are the strengths and limitations of your preferred approach?
  3. What leadership skills would you like to further develop, and how will you go about doing so?
  4. What is at least one thing you want to remember as a future manager (that will help you become a better manager) when it comes to leadership, management, power, etc?

Make sure to include terms such as servant leadership and authentic leadership, traits of effective leaders, impact of a leader on followers, leadership approach and organizational outcomes. sources of power, and recognize the positive and negative aspects of power and influence,etc. 

Reference no: EM133215597

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