Describe the purpose of the database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131155791

Assignment 1: Business Rules and Data Models

Suppose a local college has tasked you to develop a database that will keep track of students and the courses that they have taken. In addition to tracking the students and courses, the client wants the database to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses.

Use the internet to research the types of information that a college would want to track in a database. Focus your attention on information that could represent entities within a database as well as attributes of such entities.

Thoroughly described the purpose of the database.

Thoroughly described the entities of the database and the attributes of each entity, based on your research and / or common knowledge of a college and the information tracked by a college.

Thoroughly described the business rules that could impact the structure of the database, based on your research and / or common knowledge of a college and the information tracked by a college.

Thoroughly determined the information that the conceptual model of the database would include and thoroughly determined the information that the physical model of the database would include.

Reference no: EM131155791

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