Reference no: EM131712738 , Length: wordcount:1200
Activity 1 -
1. Complete the following inventory/order cycle:

Activity 2 -
1. Describe the advantages of back and front of house personnel working together. (100-120 words)
2. Why should food plating be consistent and appropriate for the meal? (50-80 words)
3. List five things the food items should be evaluated for to match the menu description.
4. Make a list of seven checks a chef/ kitchen manager should make to the food items to ensure they match recipe and menu descriptions.
Activity 3 -
1. Working to a consistent quality can be achieved through what methodical and economical methods? (120-150 words)
2. What is the meaning of both a standard, and an organisational standard? (50-80 words)
3. What factors can affect an organisational structure? Provide at least six examples.
4. What should suppliers be monitored for? (50-80 words)
Activity 4 -
1. List three checks that can be put in place to monitor the progress of a food item through the final stages of the production process.
2. Describe two ways to test the quality of food, and why this is necessary.
3. Why are final checks on food items so important? Provide at least six examples.
4. The tasting process can be incorporated into formalised controls of which there are three types. Describe (50-80 words each) the meaning of each of the following:
a. Feedback control.
b. Feed forward control.
c. Concurrent control.
Activity 5 -
1. Describe the purpose of a pre-service line check and why it is important. (150-180 words).
Need all the given questions to be done, 1200 words in total.