Reference no: EM131394813
Project: Detailed Assignment Description
Read the Case Study posted for this assignment. Determine the information technology/security gaps and develop a security strategy that includes issues relating to confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), and that includes the key elements relative to People, Process, and Technology.
Step 1: Describe the key issues/challenges/risks from this case study.
Step 2: Based on the information provided in the case study, describe and document the recommended security strategy to mitigate the issues/challenges identified.
Step 3: Describe the proposed security solutions and relationship to the case study.
Step 4: Document a detailed, proposed timeline for addressing each element of the strategy that you identify. Provide estimates for implementing recommended strategies, with rationale. Include what resources are necessary for completing each task in the timeline.
Step 5: Provide a high-level recommendation regarding the next steps to take in mitigating risks identified.
The deliverable for this case study assignment will be a minimum 5 page, double-spaced paper using Times New Roman 12 font and APA style formatting for citations and references. It will also include a minimum of 5 references. The Title/Cover page, illustrations (tables/charts/graphs), or references are not part of the page count but are required for the assignment. The grading rubric provides additional details as to what should be included in the paper. Your instructor may provide an APA style template to use for this paper.
Explain an image that represents the given event
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Identify conclusion of ideal dogs for small children passage
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Describe the proposed security solutions and relationship
: CSIA 485- Describe the proposed security solutions and relationship to the case study. Describe the key issues/challenges/risks from this case study.
Identify conclusion of the coarsest type of humor passage
: Determine which of the following passages are arguments.- The coarsest type of humor is the practical joke: pulling away the chair from the dignitary's lowered bottom.
Why confucius was propounding these ideas in his own time
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