Reference no: EM131973432
The Sunnah is a collection of Islamic customs and practice, probably first recorded during the ninth century. It addresses how to live one's life in accordance with the teachings of Mohammed and Islamic law. The following excerpt from the Sunnah describes the proper treatment of women and slaves.
The world and all things in it are valuable, but the most valuable thing in the world is a virtuous woman.
I have not left any calamity more hurtful to man than woman.
A Muslim cannot obtain (after righteousness) anything better than a well-disposed, beautiful wife: such a wife as, when ordered by her husband to do anything, obeyeth; and if her husband look at her, is happy; and if her husband swear by her to do a thing, she doth it to make his oath true; and if he be absent from her, she wisheth him well in her own person by guarding herself from inchastity, and taketh care of his property.
Verily the best of women are those who are content with little.
Admonish your wives with kindness; for women were created out of a crooked rib of Adam, therefore if ye wish to straighten it, ye will break it; and if ye let is alone, it will be always crooked.
Every woman who dieth, and her husband is pleased with her, shall enter into paradise.
That which is lawful but disliked by God is divorce.
A woman may be married by four qualifications; one, on account of her money; another, on account of the nobility of her pedigree; another, on account of her beauty; a fourth, on account of her faith; therefore look out for religious women, but if ye do it from any other consideration, may your hands be rubbed in dirt.
A widow shall not be married until she be consulted; nor shall a virgin be married until her consent be asked, whose consent is by her silence.
When the Prophet was informed that the people of Persia had made the daughter of Chosroes their queen, he said, the tribe that constitutes a woman its ruler will not find redemption.
Do not prevent your women from coming to the mosque: but their homes are better from them.
O assembly of women, give alms, although it be of your gold and silver ornaments; for verily ye are mostly of hell on the day of resurrection.
When ye return from a journey and enter your town at night, go not to your houses, so that your wives may have time to comb their disheveled hair.
God has ordained that your brothers should be your slaves: therefore him whom God hath ordained to be the slave of his brother, his brother must give him of the food which he eateth himself, and of the clothes wherewith he clotheth himself, and not order him to do anything beyond his power, and if he doth order such a work, he must himself assist him in doing it.
He who beateth his slaves without fault, or slappeth him in the face, his atonement for this is freeing him.
A man who behaveth ill to his slave will not enter into paradise.
Forgive thy servant 70 times a day.
Source: Horne, Charles F. The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume VI: Medieval Arabic, Moorish, and Turkish. New York: Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb, 1917.
MLA Citation
"Sunnah: on Treatment of Women and Slaves (Ca. Ninth Century)." Daily Life through History, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 4 May 2018.
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