Reference no: EM131411321
* Many of the EEOC cases presented in this unit are egregious, offensive, and obviously illegal. Choose a case from the unit, and provide a brief summary of it. Discuss the organizational factors (culture, lack of training, communication styles, organizational structure, job design, leadership, power, historical context, retaliation, etc) that existed at the time of the case that would allow such practices to happen and, in some cases, to persist for extended periods.
In multiple cases, more than one person was involved (HR, assistant manager, manager, district, or area manager). Discuss why no one in the management chain intervened. Support your answer. (Your response must be at least 200 words in length)
* If you were a CEO of a Fortune 1000 company, how would you handle diversity? Would you include specific statements about diversity or nondiscrimination? Please be specific and include examples.
(Your response must be at least 200 words in length)
* Describe the procedures required to file a discrimination lawsuit under the disparate impact and disparate treatment theories. How is adverse impact determined? Provide a scenario illustrating evidence of adverse impact in an employment decision. (Your response must be at least 300 words in length)
* Based on your reading of the major EEO laws, discuss ways to minimize the likelihood of discrimination and maximize the benefits of diversity in the workplace. (Your response must be at least 300 words in length)
Whether given experiments was single blind or double blind
: In each case, explain whether the experiment was a matched-pair design, a block design, or neither.- Explain whether each of the following experiments was single-blind, double-blind, or neither.
What part or parts of constitution were discussed in case
: What part or parts of the Constitution were discussed in the case? Why were those parts of the Constitution discussed in the case? What was the final Supreme Court ruling by?
Why is this finding a puzzle
: Merger Profit Acquiring-firm stockholders seem to benefit very little from takeovers. Why is this finding a puzzle? What are some of the reasons offered for it?
Relationship among intellectual-political-economic
: 1. What was the relationship among intellectual, political, economic, and social changes in the eighteenth century? What similarities and differences do you see between the French Revolution and contemporary revolutions? (at least 300 words to ans..
Describe the procedures required to file a discrimination
: Many of the EEOC cases presented in this unit are egregious, offensive, and obviously illegal. Choose a case from the unit, and provide a brief summary of it. Discuss the organizational factors (culture, lack of training, communication styles, org..
How are the target-firm shareholders harmed by such actions
: How do the target-firm shareholders benefit from the defensive tactics of their management team? How are the target-firm shareholders harmed by such actions? Explain.
Importance of jimmey doolittele in world war
: Discus the importance of Jimmey Doolittele in World War?
Designate explanatory variable and the response variable
: In each case, designate the explanatory variable and the response variable.- Explain whether each of the following experiments was single-blind, double-blind, or neither.
What is the basic determinant of tax status in a merger
: Merger and Taxes Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a taxable merger as opposed to a tax-free exchange. What is the basic determinant of tax status in a merger? Would an LBO be taxable or nontaxable? Explain.