Reference no: EM133404603
Questions: Need to develop a workshop for the entire class. The workshop should cover topics in leadership that we have studied on the class, contained a case study that explain a problem in your organization Enron scandal. You can use the medium of their choice to communicate the content and deliver the learning outcomes.
The report should contains the following:
Problem statement
Describe the problem that facing your organization.
Problem Analysis
Description of the current situation
How the organization being affected by the described problem.
Applied Theories and Strategies
Briefly discuss the theories and strategies that you benefit from this course in order to overcome the current problem in the organization.
Affected stockholders
List the employee, mangers, departments, that will be part of the plan.
Proposed plan and milestone
Discuss the proposed action plan that reflect the above theories and strategies in order to solve the described problem.
Include timeline for your plan
Plan prerequisite
Discuss the elements and conditions that should be met before executing the above plan
Risk analysis
Challenges and Obstacles.
How to deal with challenges and manage risks.