Reference no: EM131283430
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
As you begin to craft a Security Management Plan for your organization to secure and protect the quality and integrity of the data, you will take this opportunity in the first assignment to create the shell of your Security Management Plan.
The assignments each week build upon the work and knowledge from the weeks beforehand. You will create 1 document that contains all of the weekly assignments-in separate sections-culminating with the final submission being a single document containing all of the weekly assignments.
You are responsible for adding each of these ongoing Individual Project assignments into your Key Assignment document that will contain a security plan for the organization to be used to protect the organization's assets.
The project deliverables are as follows:
• Security Management Plan
• Use Word
• Title page
• Course number and name
• Project name
• Your name
• Date
• Table of Contents (TOC)
• Use an autogenerated TOC.
• This should be on a separate page.
• This should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
• Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
• Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with "TBD" as content, except for Section 1)
• Section 1: Information SecurityManagement
• This section will be used to describe the organization and will establish the security model to be used by the organization.
• Section 2: Security Program
• This section will focus on existing frameworks that can help in the implementation of a security plan and what a security organization should look like.
• Section 3:Security Policies
• This section looks at security policies and their creation.
• Section 4:Assessing Risk
• This section will focus on risk assessments and methodologies used to perform one.
• Section 5: ControllingRisk
• This final section combines all of the previous sections and gives the opportunity to look at mechanisms to control risk.
Create the following section:
• Section 1: Information Security Management
• Describe an organization of your choosing, for which you will implement a security program.
• Describe the principles of security management, including the following:
• People
• Process
• Technology
• Describe the role of project management with respect to implementing security management.
• Describe how you plan to instill a secure mentality into an organization, including a tie into the project management discussion about when security concepts should be introduced into the project lifestyle.
• You should provide at least 2-3 pages of discussion for this information.
Does risk-based compensation limit
: What kind of risk do the MCOs assess? Does risk-based compensation limit the freedom of primary care physicians in any way in terms of patient care?
Examples of economies and diseconomies
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Draw smith''s intertemporal budget constraint
: If the interest rate, expressed as a fraction, is 0.05 per time period, what is the present value of his lifetime income? Draw his intertemporal budget constraint. On the same axes, draw Smith's intertemporal budget constraint when r = 0.20.
Why you think one country might be more hospitable
: Volkswagen sells cars in many countries throughout the world, including Mexico and Latin America.- How would you expect its market position to differ in those countries compared with that in the United States?
Describe the principles of security management
: Describe an organization of your choosing, for which you will implement a security program. Describe the principles of security management.
Managing dynamic enviroment
: For this assignment, you should create a plan to hire an employee for a position within your organization to support a recent change. In this plan, you should include the following:
Seasonal forecasting report
: In the passenger airline industry, forecasting customer demand and ensuring there is enough capacity in terms of flight crews can be a competitive advantage.
Component of the strategic management process
: What is the role of each component of the strategic management process in determining overall enterprise performance? Give at least three planning/control items for which it would be useful to have notation that permits direct traceability to a Work ..
Which illustrates the social cost of inflation
: "During periods of inflation, people use real resources to reduce their holdings of fiat money. Such activities produce a private benefit with no corresponding social gain, which illustrates the social cost of inflation". Explain this quotation an..