Describe the principle of empathy

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Reference no: EM133158120

BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment 1:

Question 1
Outlined below are the principles of emotional intelligence. Identify at least two ways of applying each attribute in the workplace.
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-management
c. Social awareness
d. Relationship Management

Question 2
Answer the following questions on the principles of emotional intelligence using your own words.

a. Describe the principle of self-awareness.

b. Identify and briefly explain the three competencies of self-awareness.
Competencies identified here refer to the observable skills required to demonstrate self-awareness.

Competencies of Self-Awareness Explanation of Each Competency of Self- Awareness

c. Describe the principle of empathy.

d. Identify and define the three types of empathy.
Types of Empathy Definition of Kinds of Empathy

Question 3
Identify at least two strategies for using emotional intelligence. For each identified strategy, describe at least two methods.

Emotional Intelligence Strategies
Methods to Implement in Emotional Intelligence Strategy Explanation for Methods in Emotional Intelligence Strategy

Question 4
The following are different scenarios depicting employees from two different backgrounds. Read through each scenario and identify at least one strategy that can be used to communicate with each employee effectively.

Scenario 1
Takashi is working as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He is an excellent and efficient employee seen in his work ethic and the feedback from members of the fitness centre. He tends to be quiet during work-related events such as meetings and lunch outs. He also relies on non-verbal signals such as facial expressions and body language to convey his responses to his workgroup members. He often avoids eye contact with his workgroup members due to social anxiety.
Communication Strategy

Scenario 2
Michael works as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He is very direct, clear, transparent, and open about work-related matters. He is also easily frustrated when something doesn't go his way. When frustrated, Michael makes unnecessary comments about his workgroup members' work ethics, causing some colleagues to view him as rude and aggressive.
Communication Strategy

Question 5
Below are two principles of emotional intelligence. For each area:
• Identify at least one method of promoting the principle of emotional intelligence in other people.
• Briefly explain how the method promotes the area of emotional intelligence in other people.

Principle of Emotional Intelligence Method of Promoting Principle of Emotional Intelligence in Other People How the Method Promotes the Principle of Emotional Intelligence in Other People
a. Empathy
b. Self-regulation

Question 6
Briefly explain how emotional intelligence improves workplace relationships.


This project will require you to develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self- awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management in the context of the workplace.
The project is divided into three parts and subtasks:
1. Part I. Identify Impact of Own Emotions on Others in the Workplace
2. Part II. Recognise and Address Emotional Intelligence of Others
3. Part III. Promote the Development of Emotional Intelligence in Others

Part I. Identify Impact of Own Emotions on Others in the Workplace

Task 1.1 Identifying Emotions in the Workplace

1. Seek an opportunity to develop evaluation criteria for assessing your own emotional strengths and weaknesses.
2. Access the Evaluation Criteria template found within this assessment. Use this template for developing evaluation criteria for assessing emotional strengths and weaknesses.
3. Create an Evaluation Criteria. You will use this to assess your emotional strengths and weaknesses in the next task.
Your developed Evaluation Criteria must include the following information:
• Your industry
• At least four criteria relevant to assessing emotional strengths and weaknesses
Ensure that the criteria you develop applies to your role in your industry.
• At least one rating scale for your provided criteria
• For each criterion, at least one response scale for each item in the rating scale
Ensure to leave the Self-Assessment column blank. You will complete that column in the next task.
4. Have your supervisor/trainer & assessor sign the declaration form found at the end of the Evaluation Criteria to assure their approval of your criteria.
5. Submit your partially completed Evaluation Criteria to your assessor.

Task 1.2 Assessing Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses

1. Locate the Emotional Assessment template found within this assessment. Use this template for assessing your emotional strengths and weaknesses.
2. Assess your emotional strengths and weaknesses using your Evaluation Criteria. Record results on your template.
3. Based on the assessment of your Evaluation Criteria, complete the Emotional Assessment. This must include the following information:
a. At least two of the following:
• Your emotional strengths
Your emotional strengths must be directly taken from your Evaluation Criteria. These must include areas identified in your Evaluation Criteria that you can maintain.
• Your emotional weaknesses
Your emotional weaknesses must be directly taken from your Evaluation Criteria. These must include areas identified in your Evaluation Criteria that need improvement.
4. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Evaluation Criteria template
• Completed Emotional Assessment template.

Task 1.3 Identifying and Analysing Potential Emotional Stressors in the Workplace

1. Locate the Potential Emotional Stressors template found within this assessment. Use this template to identify and analyse potential stressors in the workplace.
2. Complete the Potential Emotional Stressors template. Your Potential Emotional Stressors must contain the following information:
a. Briefly explain at least one workplace situation where you felt stressed.
b. Analyse the identified workplace situation by identifying the following:
i. At least two potential emotional stressors present in the identified workplace situation
Example: -Potential emotional stressors refer to the conditions present in the situation that made you feel stressed, e.g.
• Lack of communication from co-worker
• Personal deadline not being met
ii. At least two methods for responding to each identified potential emotional stressor
Example: -The methods identified must be specific, applicable, and shows healthy responses to each identified potential emotional stressor.
c. Ensure to leave the following sections blank:
• Feedback from Co-workers
• Recommended Methods for Responding to Potential Emotional Stressors
These sections will be completed in Task 1.4.
3. Submit your partially completed Potential Emotional Stressors template to your assessor.

Task 1.4 Seeking Feedback to Identify and Confirm Methods of Responding to Potential Emotional Stressors in the Workplace
1. To complete this task, student must seek feedback from at least two co-workers regarding them identify potential emotional outlined in their Potential Emotional Stressors template from Task 1.3.
2. Locate the Observation Form provided within this assessment.
3. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in seeking feedback. Provide them with a copy of the Observation Form provided within this assessment.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation is not possible, record the activity in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
4. Review your partially completed Potential Emotional Stressors template from Task 1.3.
5. Arrange a consultation with at least two co-workers to seek feedback regarding your methods. During the consultation:
a. Ask your co-workers for confirmation on each of your methods for responding to potential emotional stressors in the workplace, as identified from the Potential Emotional Stressors in Task 1.3.
Confirmation of your methods can include but is not limited to the following discussion points:
• Is the method of response to potential emotional stressors effective?
• Will the method of response to potential emotional stressors need to be revised?
b. Identify at least one method for responding to each identified potential emotional stressor in the workplace with assistance from your co-workers.
c. Record the information in your Potential Emotional Stressors template.
6. Submit the completed Potential Emotional Stressors template to your assessor.

Part II. Recognise and Address Emotional Intelligence of Others

Task 2.1 Assessing Emotional Expression of Co-Workers

1. Seek an opportunity in the workplace to observe and analyse the emotional responses of the co-workers you met with in Task 1.4.
2. Locate the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile template within this assessment. Use this template to record your observations on your co- workers.
3. Observe each co-worker and their emotional responses to situations in the workplace. Document each co-worker's interactions.
Each co-worker must address all issues present in their interactions.
Complete at least one profile for each co-worker observed.
4. Record your observations in the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile template.
5. The template must contain the following information:
• The emotion each co-worker expressed upon observation
• Analyse each emotion through the following steps:
o Identify at least one emotional cue that indicates the emotion
your co-worker expressed.
Emotional cues are verbal or non-verbal hints that indicate someone's emotional state. These cues include but are not limited to:
• Facial expressions
• Body movements
• Tone of voice
Though your identified emotional expressions must differ, the emotions and cues you identify for each emotional expression can be similar.
o Identify at least three emotional expressions
Emotional expressions refer to how one outwardly communicates their emotional state. These expressions can be either verbal or non-verbal, e.g.
• Crying
• Pacing around a room
• Venting to a co-worker
6. Have each of your co-workers sign the profile you made for them to ensure that all assessments are accurate and appropriate. All signatures must be handwritten.
7. Secure proof of each interaction with each co-worker. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of this task.
This can include but is not limited to the following:
• Meeting minutes
• Video recording
• Email threads
8. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Supplementary evidence of your interaction with each co-worker
• At least two copies of the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile

Task 2.2 Developing a Plan to Identify and Respond to a Range of Emotional Expressions
1. Locate the Emotional Expression Plan template within this assessment. Use this template to create a plan for identifying and responding to emotional expressions.
2. Based on the observed emotional expressions of your co-workers from their Team Emotional Intelligence Profiles in Task 2.1, create a plan to identify and respond to a range of emotional expressions.
The plan must contain the following:
• At least three emotional expressions observed from your co-workers in Task 2.1
• At least one method of identifying the specified emotional expression
• At least one method of responding to the specified emotional expression
Record all information in the Emotional Expression Plan found within this assessment.
3. Completed Emotional Expression Plan in this task.

Task 2.3 Applying Techniques in Dealing with Others
1. Locate and complete Reflective journal template provided within this assessment and identify the following.
• At least one instance where the student applied a technique that indicates flexibility in dealing with others in the workplace
• At least one instance where the student applied a technique that indicates adaptability in dealing with others in the workplace
• At least one instance where the student applied techniques that show consideration for the emotions of others when making decisions
2. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Reflective Journal

Task 2.4 Identifying Improvement Areas for Emotional Intelligence
1. To complete this task, you must consult with at least two relevant stakeholders to identify improvement areas for your own emotional intelligence. The relevant stakeholders you must consult with can include the following:
• Co-workers you interacted with in Task 2.3
• Your Trainer & Assessor
2. Arrange a consultation/Meeting with at least two stakeholders. During the consultation/Meeting, identify at least two improvement areas related to emotional intelligence.
3. Secure Minutes of Meeting of the consultation that includes at least two areas of improvement for your own emotional intelligence.
4. Submit the minutes of meeting as evidence of the consultation to your assessor.

Part III. Promote the Development of Emotional Intelligence in Others

Task 3.1 Developing Plans to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Others
1. Locate the following templates provided within this assessment.
• Policies and Procedures Outline
Your assessor will use this as basis for the Observation Form in the next ask.
• Emotional Intelligence Plan
Use this template for creating a plan to develop emotional intelligence within your work team.
2. Access and review at least one of your organisation's policies and procedures for each of the following:
• Organising informal opportunities for others to express their thoughts and feelings in the workplace
• Organising tasks for assisting others to understand the effect of their personal behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace
For each identified policies and procedures, outline the following:
• Name of the relevant policy
• What is the relevant set of procedures

3. Create an Emotional Intelligence Plan. The template is separated into two sections. Instructions to complete each section are as follows:
• Informal Opportunities for Expressing Thoughts and Feelings in the Workplace
To complete this section, you must:
a. Identify at least two informal opportunities for each co-worker to express their thoughts and feelings when in the workplace
b. Do not write anything on the following sections. These will be completed in the next task:
• Actual Date of Implementation
• Actual Outcome
• Tasks to Assist in Understanding the Effect of Personal Behaviour and Emotions on Others in the Workplace
a. At least one task for assisting others to understand the effect of their personal behaviour on others in the workplace
b. At least one task for assisting others to understand the effect of their emotions on others in the workplace
Do not write anything on the following sections. These will be completed in the next task:
• Actual Date of Implementation
• Actual Outcome
4. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Policies and Procedures Outline
• Partially completed Emotional Intelligence Plan

Task 3.2 Implementing Plans to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Others.

1. Review the following:
• Your completed Policies and Procedures Outline from Task 3.1
Your assessor will use your outline as basis for the Observation Form. Provide your assessor with a copy of the completed Policies and Procedures Outline before facilitation and your partially completed Emotional Intelligence Plan
2. Locate the Observation Form provided within this assessment.
3. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in facilitating informal opportunities and tasks.
4. Facilitate each informal opportunity for others to express their thoughts and feelings in the workplace identified in your Emotional Intelligence Plan from Task 3.1.
For each opportunity, record the following on your Emotional Intelligence Plan:
• Actual date of implementation
• Actual outcome
5. Facilitate the following from the partially completed Emotional Intelligence Plan in Task 3.1:
• At least one task for assisting others to understand the effect of their personal behaviour on others in the workplace
• At least one task for assisting others to understand the effect of their emotions on others in the workplace
For each task, record the following on your Emotional Intelligence Plan:
• Actual date of implementation
• Actual outcome
6. Submit the completed Emotional Intelligence Plan to your trainer and assessor.

Attachment:- Develop and use emotional intelligence.rar

Reference no: EM133158120

Questions Cloud

How does the peer review process add credibility : How does the peer review process add credibility to the available research evidence?
Briefly explain how emotional intelligence improves : Briefly explain how emotional intelligence improves workplace relationships and Methods to Implement in Emotional Intelligence Strategy Explanation for Methods
How have consumer preferences changed with respect : How have consumer preferences changed with respect to online grocery shopping, and how can KiranaNow accommodate these new preferences?
What is employee relations : What is employee relations and how does it influence organizational behavior
Describe the principle of empathy : Describe the principle of empathy - Outlined below are the principles of emotional intelligence. Identify at least two ways of applying each attribute
Describe most recent community oriented curricular : Describe your most recent community oriented curricular and/or extracurricular activities and achievements. How will you use these experiences to contribute to
What is should team mission or purpose : According to Developing leadership skills topic, provide the following answers.
How the group communicated to solve the problem : Think of a problem encountered in the past by a group of which you are a member. Begin your analysis by defining the group. What type of group was it?
Quantity of occupation opportunities : With recurrent joblessness, the quantity of jobless specialists surpasses the quantity of occupation opportunities thus regardless of whether all open positions


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