Describe the principle of empathy

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132926864

BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

This unit covers the development and use of emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in the context of the workplace.

It includes identifying the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace, recognising and appreciating the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others, promoting the development of emotional intelligence in others and utilising emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes.

It applies to managers who are required to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources and who deal with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. They use initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, evaluate and co-ordinate the work of teams.

1. Identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace
2. Recognise and address the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others
3. Promote the development of emotional intelligence in others
4. Utilise emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes

» conduct an analysis to identify own emotional strengths, weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers, incorporating feedback from others
» identify workplace situations and environments that may trigger an emotional response
» model behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
» recognise the impact that cultural behaviours and beliefs may have on workplace interactions
» recognise and respond to the emotional states of others
» use emotional intelligence of self and others to enhance team performance
» promote the development of emotional intelligence in others.

Question 1

Answer the following questions on the principles of emotional intelligence using your own words.

a. Describe the principle of self-awareness.

b. Identify and explain the three (3) stages of self-awareness.

c. Describe the principle of empathy.

d. Identify and explain the three (3) kinds of empathy.

Question 2
Identify two (2) strategies for using emotional intelligence and explain two (2) key features for each strategy.

Emotional Intelligence Strategies Key Features

Question 3

Outline two (2) signs of emotionally effective people. Provide a short description of the importance of each specified sign in reaching business objectives.

Signs of Emotionally Effective People Importance in Reaching Business Objectives

Question 4
The following are different scenarios depicting employees from two (2) different cultural backgrounds. Read through each scenario and identify two (2) key communications strategies that can be used to effectively communicate with them.

Scenario 1
Takashi works as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He spent most of his childhood in Japan before he moved to Australia. He is an excellent and efficient employee seen in his work ethic and the feedback from members of the fitness centre. He tends to be quiet during work-related events such as meetings and lunch outs. He doesn't turn down someone's request because he views that turning down requests would embarrass him and cause him to lose face. He also relies on non-verbal signals such as facial expressions and body language to convey his responses to his workgroup members. He often avoids eye contact with his workgroup members because he considers it disrespectful.
Key Communication Strategies

Scenario 2
Michael works as a fitness instructor for Bounce Fitness. He is very direct, clear, transparent, and open about work-related matters. This has caused some other colleagues to view him as rude and aggressive. He sometimes inadvertently causes uncomfortable situations by asking his workgroup members about their private lives.
Key Communication Strategies

Question 5
Identify two (2) key features of emotional intelligence. Provide a short explanation of how each feature contributes to building workplace relationships.

Key Features of Emotional Intelligence How this Contributes to Building Workplace Relationships


To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in the context of the workplace.
Wherever possible, this assessment must be completed in your own workplace, including the gathering of evidence.

Where a current workplace is not available, you must conduct your practical assessment in an environment where conditions are typical of those experienced in a workplace. Use the simulated business, Bounce Fitness to complete the simulated workplace assessments.

If you are currently in a workplace, you are strongly encouraged to complete the tasks using the Workplace assessment.

If you don't have access to a suitable workplace, then you must complete the tasks using the Simulated Workplace assessment.

The work environment must provide you access to all the resources outlined below.

Ensure that you discuss the best pathway for completion with your assessor before commencing.

Part I. Identify Impact of Own Emotions on Others in the Workplace

This part of the project will require you to identify the impact of your own emotions on others in the workplace. Specifically, you will be required to:
» Identify and use evaluation criteria to determine own emotional strengths and weakness
» Identify personal stressors and emotional states related to the workplace
» Analyse and document potential emotional triggers in workplace situations
» Evaluate the impact of own workplaces behaviours
» Use self-reflection and feedback from others to improve development of own emotional intelligence.

Part 1 Task 1 Identifying Emotions in the Workplace
1. Reflect on instances when you expressed your personal emotions in the context of your workplace.
2. Use the Self-Evaluation Sheet found within this workbook to identify the following based on your reflection:
» At least two (2) of your emotional strengths
» At least two (2) of your emotional weaknesses
» At least two (2) personal stressors in the workplace
» At least two (2) prevailing emotional states when in the workplace
o What you mainly feel while in the workplace, e.g. happiness, stressed, contentment, anxiety, etc.
» At least two (2) workplace situations that trigger a strong emotional response from you
o Describe your emotional state when you are triggered
» At least two (2) workplace environments that trigger a strong emotional response from you
o Describe your emotional state when you are triggered
3. Seek assistance from relevant workplace personnel to provide you access to an Emotional Intelligence Test available to your organisation. You will need this to evaluate your own emotional intelligence to verify the strengths and weaknesses you identified in the previous step. If there's no Emotional Intelligence Test available from your organisation, you may use the online test provided in the Simulated Workplace Assessment.
Obtain a PDF copy of your results to be submitted as evidence.
4. Record the two (2) strengths and two (2) weaknesses of your emotional intelligence based on the test you took in the Self-Evaluation Sheet.
5. Submit the Self-Evaluation Sheet and the printout of your Emotional Intelligence Test results to your assessor.

Part 1 Task 2 Identifying Impact of Emotions in the Workplace
1. Organise a meeting with at least two (2) workgroup members to have an open discussion of how your emotions and behaviours affect the workplace.
2. During the meeting, you must discuss the following:
» Explain all the workplace situations and environments that triggers a strong emotional response in you as identified in Part 1 Task 1
» Analysis of one (1) behaviour when encountering each of the triggers outlined
» One (1) impact of each of the behaviours identified in the workplace
» One (1) appropriate emotional response for each behaviour identified
» At least two (2) suggestions from your workgroup members to help you in developing your emotional intelligence
3. Record all points of discussion in the Meeting Minutes found within this workbook.
4. After the meeting, have each of the attendees complete the Workgroup Member Observation Form found within this workbook to determine if you were able to conduct the meeting in a clear and effective manner.
5. Using the feedback from the meeting and your own self-reflection from Part 1 Task 1 task, develop a way to improve your own emotional intelligence in the workplace. Write your responses in the Reflective Journal Part 1 found within this workbook.
Your reflective journal must include the following:
» Two (2) strategies you can employ to increase your emotional intelligence
» Description of two (2) instances when you managed your own emotions in the workplace. For each instance, specify the behaviour you demonstrated and describe how it affected the situation.
6. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Meeting Minutes
» Two (2) Workgroup Member Observation Forms
» Reflective Journal Part 1

Part II. Recognise and Address Emotional Intelligence of Others
This part of the project will require you to recognise and address emotional strengths and weaknesses of others. Specifically, you will be required to:
» Respond to the emotional states of workgroup members and assess emotional cues
» Develop plans for identifying and responding appropriately to a range of cultural expressions of emotions
» Apply techniques to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability with others
» Demonstrate consideration of the emotions of others when making decisions

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o People, including:
» Your Supervisor
» Three (3) workgroup members of different cultural backgrounds

Part 2 Task 1 Assess Workgroup Members
1. Seek opportunities in the workplace to observe and describe the behaviour of three (3) workgroup members from different cultural backgrounds, while showing emotional states.
2. While observing your workgroup members, note down the following:
» At least two (2) emotional cues demonstrated in a situation and the assessment of each cue
Note: Assessing emotional cues involves determining the emotional state of your workgroup member through verbal or non-verbal cues like excessive tapping of the feet or sudden silence
» Emotional state of your workgroup member based on their emotional cues
» One (1) cultural expression of emotion shown in line with the emotional state demonstrated
» Your response to their emotional state
Make sure to observe the strategies you indicated in Part 1 when responding to your workgroup members.
3. Record all findings in the Team Emotional Intelligence Profile template found within this workbook. Complete one (1) profile for each workgroup member.
4. Have each of your workgroup members sign the profile you made for them to ensure that all assessments are accurate and appropriate. All signatures must be handwritten.
5. Submit three (3) Team Emotional Intelligence Profiles to your assessor.

Part 2 Task 2 Identify and Respond to Cultural Expressions of Emotions
1. Based on the cultural expression of emotions observed of your workgroup members, create a plan to identify and respond to each cultural expression of emotion identified.
Each plan must contain the following:
» At least two (2) techniques to appropriately to identify cultural expressions of emotion
» At least two (2) techniques to appropriately respond to each cultural expression of emotion of your workgroup members
2. Record all information in the Cultural Expression of Emotions Plan found within this workbook.
3. Have your supervisor sign the Supervisor Declaration Form to assure that all assessments are accurate and appropriate. Signatures must be handwritten.
4. Submit the Cultural Expression of Emotions Plan to your assessor.

Part 2 Task 3 Apply Techniques in Dealing with Others
1. Seek opportunities to implement the following when dealing with others in the workplace:
» Techniques to demonstrate flexibility
» Techniques to demonstrate adaptability
» Consideration of emotions when making decisions
2. From your implementation, describe two (2) instances when you demonstrated each of the following:
» One (1) technique to demonstrate flexibility in dealing with a workgroup member in each instance
» One (1) technique to demonstrate adaptability in dealing with a workgroup member in each instance
» Consideration of emotions when making decisions involving a workgroup member
Each instance must involve at least two (2) different workgroup members.
3. Record all your reflections in the Reflective Journal Part 2 found within this workbook.
4. Have your supervisor sign the Supervisor Declaration Form found at the end of the template.
5. Submit the Reflective Journal Part 2 to your assessor.

Reflective Journal Part 2: Skill Requirement 2
Describe two (2) instances when you demonstrated adaptability in dealing with your workgroup member's emotion.
Specify at least one (1) adaptability technique used for each instance.
Each instance must involve two (2) different workgroup members.

Reflective Journal Part 2: Skill Requirement 3
Describe two (2) instances when you considered the emotions of your workgroup members when making decisions.
Each instance must involve two (2) different workgroup members.

Part III. Promote the Development of Emotional Intelligence in Others
This part of the project will require you to promote the development of emotional intelligence in others. Specifically, you will be required to:
» Create opportunities for others to express their thoughts and feelings
» Assist others to understand the effect of their behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace
» Develop and implement plans to encourage the self-management of emotions in others.
» Develop and implement plans to encourage others to develop their own emotional intelligence, to build productive relationships, and maximise workplace outcomes

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o People, including:
» Your Supervisor
» Three (3) members of your workgroup

Part 3 Task 1 Promote Emotional Intelligence in Others
1. Organise two (2) separate meetings with two (2) of your workgroup members to have an open discussion about their thoughts and feelings within the workplace.
2. During each meeting, you must ensure to discuss the following:
» Your workgroup member's feelings about the following
o Workplace
o Work team
» Your workgroup member's thoughts on the following:
o Workplace
o Work Team
» The effect of one (1) cultural behaviour of your workgroup member on others in the workplace
» The effect of one (1) cultural belief of your workgroup member on others in the workplace
» An opportunity for the workgroup member to discuss their thoughts and feelings when in the workplace
3. Record each meeting in the Meeting Minutes found within this workbook. Complete one (1) Meeting Minutes for each workgroup member.
4. After each meeting, have each workgroup member complete the Workgroup Member Observation Checklist found within this workbook to confirm that you created a safe space for them to openly share their feelings and emotions.
5. Submit the two (2) Meeting Minutes and two (2) Workgroup Member Observation Checklists to your assessor.

Part 3 Task 2 Develop Plans to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Others
1. From the meetings with your workgroup members, create a plan to develop emotional intelligence within your work team.
Your plan must contain the following:
» Two (2) strategies to encourage the self-management of emotion in others
» Two (2) strategies to encourage others to develop their own emotional intelligence
» Two (2) strategies to build productive relationships
» Two (2) strategies to maximise two (2) workplace outcomes
» A projected implementation date for each strategy indicated
All strategies must be in line with your organisation's policies and procedures.
2. Record your responses in the Emotional Intelligence Plan template found within this workbook.
3. Have your supervisor sign off for each strategy to ensure that all strategies follow your organisation's procedures.
4. You are not yet required to submit anything for this task.

Part 3 Task 3 Implement Plans to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Others
1. Implement all strategies to promote emotional intelligence developed in Part 3 Task 2 within your work team.
2. For each strategy implemented, record the following on your Emotional Intelligence Plan:
» Date of implementation of each strategy
» Outcome each strategy implemented
3. Have your supervisor a sign off each strategy implementation to ensure that you have properly implemented all developed strategies All signatures must be handwritten.
4. Submit the completed and signed Emotional Intelligence Plan to your assessor.

Part IV. Utilise Emotional Intelligence to Maximise Team Outcomes
This part of the project will require you to utilise emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes. Specifically, you will be required to:
» Identify opportunities to utilise emotional intelligence to increase team performance in line with organisational objectives
» Encourage a positive, inclusive emotional climate in the workplace
» Use the strengths of workgroup members to achieve team objectives and organisational objectives.

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Documentation with information related to organisational goals, including but not limited to the following:
» Employee performance reviews
» Strategic plans
o People, including:
» Your Supervisor
» Three (3) members of your workgroup

Part 4 Task 1 Develop Plans to Use Emotional Intelligence to Increase Team Performance
1. Seek permission to access workplace documentation related to the following:
» Organisational objectives
» Team objectives
Documentation may include, but is not limited to the following
» Employee Performance Reviews
» Strategic Plans
2. Review the documentation and identify the following:
» Two (2) organisational objectives
» Two (2) team performance issues relevant to the organisational objectives
» Two (2) opportunities to utilise emotional intelligence to increase team performance of your workgroup to achieve the organisational objectives
3. For each identified opportunity, develop one (1) strategy to increase team performance.
Each strategy must contain at least one (1) action item to increase team performance in line with identified organisational objectives. Plans must be actioned by you.
4. Across all strategies, you must ensure that you achieve the following:
» Encourage a positive workplace climate
» Encourage an inclusive emotional workplace climate
» Use at least one (1) strength of each of the three (3) workgroup members to achieve the following:
o One (1) team objective
o One (1) organisational objective
Note: Employ Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) goals when formulating plans.
5. Record all information on the Team Performance Strategies template found within this workbook.
6. You are not required to submit anything for this task.

Part 4 Task 2 Implement Plans to Use Emotional Intelligence to Increase Team Performance
1. Implement the strategies to increase team performance developed in Part 4 Task 1.
2. For each strategy implemented, record the following on your Team Performance Strategies:
» Date of implementation
» Outcome of implementation in fulfilling in line with the opportunities to utilise emotional intelligence to increase team performance of your workgroup to achieve the organisational objectives
3. Reflect on the results of your plans and note the following:
» One (1) strength of each of the three (3) workgroup members used to achieve the following:
i. One (1) team objective
ii. One (1) organisational objective
4. Record your findings in the Reflective Journal Part 3 found within this workbook.
5. Have your supervisor a sign off each strategy implementation to ensure that you have appropriately implemented all strategies. All signatures must be handwritten.
6. Submit the completed Team Performance Strategies and the Reflective Journal Part 3 to your assessor.

Attachment:- Develop and use emotional intelligence.rar

Reference no: EM132926864

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6/25/2021 10:35:47 PM

I want all answers on the question sheet under questions, with index referencing and Harvard style reference list at the end (just letting you know, its Programme Management, you dont have this option in your list)

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