Describe the primary value chain activities

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131900097

Assignment: Business Analysis Infomatics

Imagine that you have an online business that you use to recruit potential employees for a network of businesses and organizations. While conducting research, you noticed that your competition is the local newspaper and an online site called "Job Finder." In a three-page (minimum) essay:

· Analyze your business' structure according to Porter's five forces model (found here).

· List your potential competitive strategy.

· Describe the primary value chain activities relating to your business.

· Describe a business process for recruiting potential employees.

Reference no: EM131900097

Questions Cloud

Who owns the home after nicoles death : Can real property owners do whatever they want with their property, or are they subject to certain restrictions? Please explain in detail and provide examples.
Which is a more restrictive trade barrier-an import tariff : Which is a more restrictive trade barrier-an import tariff or an equivalent import quota? Differentiate among sporadic, persistent, and predatory dumping.
Identify the type of research method to be used : Provide background information on the chosen organization Description of the diverse literature available on varied research methods
Define and summarize the architectural innovations : Define and summarize the architectural innovations that lead to the dome in the Newgrange tombs and tholos tombs
Describe the primary value chain activities : Imagine that you have an online business that you use to recruit potential employees for a network of businesses and organizations.
What is meant by voluntary export restraints : What is meant by voluntary export restraints, and how do they differ from other protective barriers? How does the revenue effect of an import quota differ?
Characteristics of the hero aeneas as presented in vergil : What are the main characteristics of the hero Aeneas as presented in Vergil's Aeneid? Does he seem to change from the beginning of the poem to the end?
Write statements in sql for the given queries : Design an ER diagram that can model the above scenario. Identify any weak entities, suitable keys, and the cardinalities of the relationships.
Discuss the definition of organizational behavior : This week, our text discusses the definition of organizational behavior, and in particular, its applied focus. Our lesson focuses on high-performance.


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