Describe the plan for vpn access to the company network

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131870591


Length: 3-4 double-spaced pages (excluding the title page and reference pages) and double-spaced

SLP assignments for the course will build a security plan for a company or organization selected by the student.

• Wireless and Remote Access Security Plan: Discuss how remote and wireless connections to the company network will be implemented securely. Include a discussion of the type of encryption to be used and the major components of the remote access system.

• VPN Design: Describe the plan for VPN access to the company network.

• Data Transmission Security Plan: Discuss how data transmitted on open portions of the network will be protected.

Reference no: EM131870591

Questions Cloud

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Describe the plan for vpn access to the company network : VPN Design: Describe the plan for VPN access to the company network. Discuss how data transmitted on open portions of the network will be protected.
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