Reference no: EM131570416 , Length: wordcount:1050
Observation Essay: Homework Topic
Write an essay of close to 1,000-1,050 words.The words are counted from the first word In the Introduction to the last word in the conclusion. Quotations and citations do not count.
This is the midterm essay. Consider yourself sitting in a vast room with other students and writing the essay. Once you hand in your essay and leave the room, there is no going back. This essay has no rewrite. Note that you cannot be part of the place. It is not your place of work.
You are not participating In any activity in that place. You are there only as a spectator. The place has to be completely public. For example, It Is not your child's school. It is not your friend's graduation. This also means that it is not a military event. Please do not write about military events or topics.
Describe the people and activities going on at a public place that you have visited. Suggestions: A theme part, a park, a fair, part of a hospital, part of an airport, part of a hotel, one location In a city, and so on. Describe the place in geographical order. This means that you divide it Into sections and describe each section as you visit it.
For example, describe the entrance, the rides, the games, the restaurants as you go from one place to another, not necessarily in the order you actually visited them, but in the order you feel Is best for the essay. Be there. Place yourself on the scene and use "I" and/or 'we" throughout the essay. Do not use "you."
Describe what you see, what is typical of the place, and what is essential for the reader to understand the environment of the place. Do not include what you know about the place. If you want to describe your feelings, focus on those that are consistent to how everyone else feels.
Note that the description essay is about what "I see and observe" and has to have the pronoun "I" throughout Please remember that it is not enough to read the homework section. You need to read tho entire lesson to understand the requirements of each paper. Describe an event that you have attended. This essay is not about the writer. It is not about you. It is about what you see. The event essay is always organized in chronological order. Chronology means time. So what happens first is described first.
The introduction of an observation of an event essay defines the the event and the place it is taking place in. It explains what kind of event it is and where it is located. Then it proceeds with describing the arrival at the event. It could describe the parking lot. It always describes what is typical and what anyone expects to see upon arrival.
The first sentence in the introduction should state the name of the event that the essay describes/observos. The second sentence and possible another sentence should define the purpose of the visit. For example, you can state that your spouse has long dreamed of attending a Rap concert (this is only an example).
Or you may state that you have always wanted to take your children to a sports game. The sentence before the last should be at the parking lot. Do not waste your time describing the drive from your home to the place. This is clutter that weakens the essay.
Begin with arrival to the event (introduction) Divide the event into periods of time. Specify each period of time in the topic sentence of the paragraph:
Topic sentence paragraph
1. As soon as we arrived, we proceeded to the entrance.Topic sentence paragraph
2: As the event was about to begin, we took our seats. Topic sentence paragraph
3 : As the game went on, the fans got very excited. Topic sentence paragraph
4 : During the break, most of the seats were visibly empty. Topic sentence paragraph
5: At the end of the game, people were already consumed. Explain what happen at each period
. For example, at the beginning of a race, during the race, at the end of the race.