Describe the physical features of a workplace environment

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132677187

Question 1. Industrial hygienists have developed a number of general methods of control designed to minimize the bodily harm employees may suffer from workplace hazards such as excessive noise. Briefly describe each of the following methods of industrial hygiene control, explain how each method might be applied to reducing employee hearing loss from the intermittent noise of a metal working punch press and provide a separate example for each:

a) Isolation

b) Personal protective equipment

c) Supervision

d) Medical controls

e) Job rotation

Question 2. An organization is opening a manufacturing facility in a foreign country considered a high-risk area/location. Identify measures the organization can implement to reduce the possibility of a kidnap and ransom situation.

Sound ergonomics reduces the adverse effects of fatigue among an organization's employees.

Question 3. Describe the physical features of a workplace environment that tend to cause fatigue, explain how proper workplace design can remove or minimize these features and provide supporting examples for each.

Question 4. What are the measures that can control fatigue in any environment and provide separate examples for each measure?

Question 5. Describe clause(s), by including (3) three separate examples, that an organization might add to contracts to remove or limit liability and provide an explanation on how the clause would respond in the given example.

Reference no: EM132677187

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