Describe the philosophy of manifest destiny

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133344617


Using your book and lectures, answer the questions using complete sentences. Your answer should begin with a topic sentence, and you should use specific details to support that topic sentence. Each answer should be about 100 - 500 (words). Points will be deducted if you do not answer all parts of the questions. You may use both the textbook and the lectures to answer the questions, but if you quote the textbook or the lectures directly, use quotation marks and cite your source parenthetically immediately following the quotation. Use quotations sparingly to support your answers. You are not just regurgitating facts from the book.

1. Describe the philosophy of Manifest Destiny. What effect did it have on Americans' westward migration? How might the different groups that migrated have sought to apply this philosophy to their individual circumstances?

2. Compare the myth of the "Wild West" with its reality. What elements of truth would these stories have contained, and what was fabricated or left out? What was life actually like for cowboys, ranchers, and the few women present in mining towns or along the cattle range?

3. What were the primary methods that the U.S. government, as well as individual reformers, used to deal with the perceived Indian threat to westward settlement? In what ways were these methods successful and unsuccessful? What were their short-term and long-term effects on Native Americans?

4. Describe the ways in which the U.S. government, local governments, and/or individuals attempted to interfere with the specific cultural traditions and customs of Native Americans, Hispanics, and Chinese immigrants. What did these efforts have in common? How did each group respond?

5. In what ways did westward expansion provide new opportunities for women and African Americans? In what ways did it limit these opportunities?

Reference no: EM133344617

Questions Cloud

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Describe the philosophy of manifest destiny : Describe the philosophy of Manifest Destiny. What effect did it have on Americans' westward migration?
Meaning of demands for bringing community into curriculum : What was the meaning or significance of student demands for "bringing community into the curriculum" or "making the University relevant to the community"?
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Read the sections of excerpts from black elk speaks : Please read 2 or 3 sections of excerpts from Black Elk Speaks. What was Native American life like before the coming of the white man?


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