Reference no: EM132235900
Assignment: Assessing Group Process
For this Assignment, describe the overall process of the group and your feelings about the group experience. General information about the group experience:
The group worked well together. They communicated well via the Group Discussion Board; texting; and emails. The group was prompt in completing their portions of the project.
The group did a great job and was respectful in critiquing each group members work. The group project that we as a group completed is below.
Do the following in a 2-3 page paper and use references and in text citations from 2013-2019 to support your information.:
• Use the evaluation method described by London 2007 (in attachments), and use it to evaluate your group (i.e., analysis of the product, group questionnaire).
• Identify something you might have changed during this process and describe what you could have done differently.
Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience.
Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week's required resources listed below.
Use internet to find data on sources below if you need to. Use other resources as well to support your information.