Reference no: EM133711683
Lab 1
For these tasks you should refer to, and follow, relevant instructions in the official "What is Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)?" website from this week's Required Resources.
TASKS: Creating a MySQL Amazon RDS Instance and Setting Up a Read Replica for Horizontal Scaling
1. Log on to AWS Academy using your AWS Academy account and click on the AWS Console button.
2. Launch a new Amazon RDS DB Instance and select MySQL Community Edition instance as the database engine.
3. Under Templates, select Free Tier. This set of options is appropriate for permissions for AWS Academy accounts.
4. Review the DB Instance storage. Describe the other storage options that are available. Which options give enhanced fault tolerance? Use the default options for Instance Class and Storage.
5. Set the DB Instance identifier and database name to MySQL-MDSC-MCYB6210-<YourName> and configure the master username and password.
6. Validate the configuration settings and launch the DB Instance.
7. Return to the list of the Amazon RDS instances. You will see the status of your Amazon RDS database as Creating. It may take up to 20 minutes to create your new Amazon RDS instance.
8. When its status is Available, proceed to the next step.
9. Select the instance and issue a Create Read Replica command from the list of actions. What other actions exist? What do those actions represent?
10. Configure the name of the read replica and any other settings. Read replicas of the primary database allow horizontal scaling to improve database performance. What does this mean?
11. Create the replica.
12. Wait for the replica to be created, which can typically take several minutes.
13. When it is complete, delete both the original and Read Replica databases by clicking the checkboxes next to them, clicking the Instance Actions drop-down box, and then clicking Delete.
Lab 2
TASK: Creating and Configuring an AWS VPC
Log on to AWS Academy using your AWS starter account and click on the AWS Console button. The account used must have administrator or power user privileges.
Select the Amazon VPC icon to launch the Amazon VPC Dashboard.
Create an Amazon VPC with a CIDR block equal to 16, a name tag of VPC_MDSC-MCYB6210_<YourName> and default tenancy.
What other setup options exist at this stage?
Using the AWS VPC you have just created, create a subnet with a CIDR block equal to and a name tag of Subnet1_MDSC-MCYB6210_<YourName>. Use a specific Availability Zone for this subnet.
Create an Amazon EC2 key pair in the same region as your custom Amazon VPC.
Create an IGW with a name tag of IGW1_MDSC-MCYB6210_<YourName> and attach it to your custom AWS VPC.
Add a route to the main route table for your custom AWS VPC that directs internet traffic ( 0) to the IGW.
Launch a t2. micro Amazon Linux AMI as an Amazon EC2 instance into the public subnet of your custom AWS VPC, give it a name tag of INST1_MDSC-MCYB6210_<YourName>, and select the newly created key pair for secure access to the instance.
In a similar manner to that used in the task list for Week 3, securely access the Amazon EC2 instance in the public subnet via SSH with the newly created key pair.
To verify the SSH connection, navigate through the directories on the instance to which you have connected.
Close the SSH connection and log out of AWS.