Describe the organizational structure of abco corporation

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133215230


One of the many challenging ethical dilemmas a person may face is the clash between corporate culture and personal ethics. When supervisors and managers make demands of their employees and pressure them to act unethically, employees have to choose between ethical conduct and caving in to the expectations of their bosses. In this hypothetical scenario, Candace, an employee who "always tried to do the right thing," faces a new supervisor who demands unethical behavior from her. While reading the scenario, put yourself in both the supervisor's and Candace's shoes and consider how you would act in the situation.

Building on the concepts you have learned thus far, as well as the information you have read in this hypothetical scenario, answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the organizational structure of ABCO Corporation.
  2. Which type of leadership power is Britney using? Is it effective in this situation? Why or why not?
  3. Does Candace have any other alternatives than the two that she is considering? Predict what will happen if she sticks to the two options she has considered already.
  4. How would you act if you were in Candace's position?
  5. How could Britney have approached the situation with Candace differently to avoid the predicament Candace is in? Is Britney's leadership style effective in this situation? Justify your answer.
  6. Would government support for whistle-blowers in the form of monetary rewards be effective to help whistle-blowers step up? Why or why not? Justify your answer.

Reference no: EM133215230

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