Reference no: EM133076003
TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs - Chisholm Institute
Knowledge Questions
Question 1 Explain the vocational education and training (VET) system. To do this:
a) Explain what VET is and describe at least three (3)key features
b) Explain what competency-based training (CBT) is and describe at least four (4)key characteristics.
Question 2
Some key VET features or ‘documents' are listed below. For each one:
(i) explain what the feature or document is and its purpose in the VET system
(ii) describe how trainers and assessors use the information contained within the feature or document.
a) Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
b) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
c) Training packages
Question 3
Explain the differences between the following:
a) aqualification, a skill set and an accredited course
b) a training and assessment strategy and a learning program plan
Question 4
Some key VET organisations are listed below. For each one:
(i) state what the acronym stands for (where applicable)
(ii) describe the organisation's role in the VET system
(iii) briefly explain how the organisation influences the way trainers and assessors do their job.
a) Department of Education Skills and Employment (DESE)
b) ASQA or STAs
c) IRCs and SSOs
d) RTOs
Question 5
Describe how you could identify training needs in your workplace. If there is no workplace, consider Chisholm or the DES Project 1 Case Study (this can be found in the DES Cluster Assessment Guide).
Your response should consider:
(i) How data is gatheredwhen conducting a training needs analysis
e.g. on-the-job feedback forms, workplace observation by a supervisor, data such as workplace productivity, etc.
(ii) How is the data used to identify improvements
e.g. bi-annual review to identify changes, or if working in a smaller organisation, improvements may be made immediately.
Question 6
Research available RTO learning and assessment materials for training relevant to your industry or area of expertise.
Identify the two strongest sources ofmaterials or resources that RTO's can utilise for training that you find.
Note:‘Sources' may be from within or outside your organisation.
‘Sources' may not include, nor training components contained therein
a) Name the sourceand provide a URL (weblink) or other contact details
b) Describe the types of learning and assessment materials available from this source
Question 7
Copyright legislation research
a) What are the copyright implications you need to take into account when you are selecting or developing learning program materials? (150 - 300 words)
b) List the source/s of information you provide
Question 8
Questions about training packages:
a) Name the four (4) endorsed componentsof a training package and summarise the information found in each component.
b) Name the mandatory support document that training package developers must produce, and briefly explain its purpose (1-2 sentences is sufficient).
c) Describe how and by whom training packages are developed and endorsedand who has input into the content of a training package? (300 words approximately)
d) (i) Explain what it means to ‘contextualise' training package competency standards when using them as the basis for training or assessment.
(ii) Which parts of a competency standard can be contextualised and which parts cannot?
e) Explain what it means to apply a ‘reasonable adjustment' when using training package competency standards as the basis for assessment.
f) Describe how trainers and assessors can stay up-to-date with latest updates made to training packages
Question 9
Identify a training package relevant to your industry.
a. List the codes of:
i. The training package
ii. One qualification from that training package
iii. One unit of competencyfrom the training package
b. Explain the meaning of each component of each of the above codes
Question 10
Summarise the information contained in each part of a competency standard (unit and assessment requirements), as listed below.
A one-two sentence response per item is sufficient for this question.
a) Unit title
b) Unit code
c) Application
d) Elements
e) Performance criteria
f) Foundation skills
g) Performance evidence
h) Knowledge evidence
i) Assessment conditions
Question 11
Consider gaps in skills and/or knowledge in your workplace that could be filled with training/a learning program.
Learningprogramscan be accredited or non-accredited (EG: short-courses or in house programs).
Describe how your workplace does (or could) design and develop a learning program that is NOT based on a unit of competency.
Briefly describe the process using the headings below:
• Parameters
• Design
• Development
• Review
If you do not have a workplace, use Chisholm Institute or a workplace of your choice.
Refer to Participant Manual for the four key steps in developing a learning program.
Attachment:- Knowledge Questions.rar