Describe the oracle software file structure

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131882718

Question: You are the Senior Database Administrator of one of the following organizations (Choose one):

Small Private University

Upper management has decided they want to upgrade their old single instance Oracle database to the latest and greatest Oracle 12c Database using RAC or Data Guard. They want it all on a new hardware environment, not an in-place upgrade. You are delighted, until you find out; it's all on your shoulders. Your task for this course project is to develop a migration document that will provide the following information to your team:

A) A brief description of the organization and problem space and reason for migration to new environment.

B) High-Level Business requirements for the migration

C) Current As-Is Architecture, description and diagram of the production environment (how many servers (application/database), memory, CPUs, storage requirements, networks and OS types).

D) An Entity Relationship Diagram of the database being migrated to.

E) Future To-Be Architecture description and diagram, of the new production environment (how many servers (application/database), memory, CPUs, storage requirements, networks, OS types and High Availability considerations RAC or Data Guard if applicable).

F) Describe the Oracle Software file structure you wish to use. You may use OFA, or not. But identify where all the files (dbf, ctl, ora, etc.) will go on the servers. If you don't use OFA, then support your decision.

G) Describe ASM in your environment. You may use ASM, or not. But identify the ASM architecture and implementation. If you don't use ASM, then support your decision.

H) Define the tablespaces, tables, constraints (pk,fk) and indexes and provide create tablespace, create tables, constraints (pk,fk) and create indexes statements for the new system.

I) Provide your backup strategy full, incremental and provide your retention policy and the space requirements for your backup environment using RMAN.

J) Describe the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO).

K) Provide general steps to perform the Migration and Go-Live, demonstrate in Textual and Flowchart.

This project should follow a logical progression (e.g. introduction, body including analysis & discussion, and summary & conclusion. This project should be developed with the use of academic sources, if possible, and strictly follow APA guidelines (APA formatting, cover page, sections, paragraph formatting, double spaced and use of citations and references). Remember, in a scholarly response no idea is your own.

Your paper will be graded on the following criteria in accordance with the posted rubric:
-- Complete Coverage of the chosen topic listed above.
-- Logical Progression of paper, which flows together.
-- Adherence to the APA format
-- Accuracy of information presented.
-- Correct spelling and grammar.

Verified Expert

The solution file is prepared in ms word which discussed about the database design and implementation fpr small private college which includes the prepared migration document which provide the business requirements of the university, current architecture diagram and ER diagram, proposed diagram, Oracle database structure, creation of the database with tables, ASM, Recovery strategies and retention policies. The report has 2111 words and references are included as per APA format

Reference no: EM131882718

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