Describe the operation and destination

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131384608

Project Marketing Plan Part I For the next three units, you will be writing a marketing plan in stages for an organization of your choice. Part I addresses public relations (PR) and advertising.

1. Choose one of the following organizations:

a bed and breakfast located in a quaint historical community with events,

a tour operator that offers day trips from a community. Identify your own focus (e.g. fly-fishing, wine tasting, rafting),

an ethnic restaurant located in a suburban area, or

a city tour company located in a large urban area.

2. Embellish on the operations of your chosen organization, but be logical. For example, provide a community name or at least a state name. Does the destination have other attractions? You are encouraged to investigate similar operations in various locations for ideas. Your response must be at least two pages in length. Be sure to complete the following:

Describe the operation and destination.

Provide environmental analysis and forecasting.

Provide a technical report of findings. Note: You may use the internet for sources related to completing an environmental analysis. Examples of a marketing plan in tourism can be viewed via destination marketing organization (DMO) websites or on websites of some non-profit organizations.

Additionally, the following online resource and eBook (found in the CSU Online Library) may be useful sources. Dahl, D. (2010) How to write a marketing plan. Retrieved from Westwood, J. (2013).

Creating success: How to write a marketing plan. (4th ed.).

London, Great Brittan: Kogan Page. Retrieved from

All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA style. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

This is a 3 part assignemnt I will be uploading the rest of the assigment over the next two weeks.

Attachment:- vi_marketing.rar

Reference no: EM131384608

Questions Cloud

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Describe the operation and destination : Choose one of the following organizations: A city tour company located in a large urban area.Embellish on the operations of your chosen organization, but be logical. For example, provide a community name or at least a state name. Does the destinati..
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Discuss the relationship between arl and type i and ii error : Discuss the relationship between ARL and type I and II errors.- How are rational samples selected? Explain the importance of this in the total quality systems approach.


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