Describe the nature of the problem

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Reference no: EM133485765

Capstone: Introduction and Description of the Problem

Objective: An important part of your capstone project is a clear description of the problem that the CP is to address, and a clear description of a solution. Describe the Problem that the CP is to address and describe the solution. The problem and its solution should be developed in a way that the one informs the other. The two should be related in that the different components of the problem's description, such as demographics, people involved, political context, should inform the proposed solution. The description of the problem and its solution are a crucial part of the project. If it is substantially underdeveloped, the project will be returned for more work.

The introduction sets the stage for what is to come and should provide the background and rationale for the proposed project - what is this about and why is it important? It should succinctly contextualize the problem in one to three short paragraphs, and include a brief statement of the problem. Recommended length is 1-2 page.

Briefly, what is your project?
The aspect/problem/issue in science and/or math education that is the focus of the project, and what is the need for reform or change or research.
How can your project make a difference?
The community (public, families, teachers and/ or students) impacted by the project, and if applicable, the need for research/change/reform among this population.
Again, how might your project make a difference?
The evidence that reform/change or research into the proposed area of science and math education is needed. This part of the introduction should provide a brief (1-2 page) review of the pertinent literature.


This section the student should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the introduction. Thoroughly describe the nature of the problem; including your rationale for believing the problem exists. Describe how the project will address the problem, and clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology. In the Description of the problem section student must designate and define the specific problem your project will address. Clearly state your goals for the project (what you hope to accomplish), describe the product or services you will provide (e.g., the creation or improvement of an educational tool), and discuss how the project is likely to benefit your profession, institution, or organization. Recommended length is ~1 page

Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA style 7th edition format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.

Reference no: EM133485765

Questions Cloud

Discusses principles of equity and equality for employees : Discusses principles of equity and equality for employees as part of Human Resource practice. Make sure you read the chapter, clearly answer the questions
What changes might you make to erikson theory : Think about an older person whom you have known over a long period of time. what changes might you make to Erikson's theory
Caregiver from the perspective of object relations theory : Describe the importance of early object relations with a primary caregiver from the perspective of object relations theory.
Why does professionalism matter in officiating : What are your thoughts about officials paying upwards of $500 to attend a camp to get recognized by a college assigner
Describe the nature of the problem : HSA-5923 Health Service Administration, Florida National University - Describe the Problem that the CP is to address and describe the solution
What is medication is and what its intended purpose : What is the medication is and what it's intended purpose? How can it be abused/misused? Why it is abused/misused?
Particularly your dominant traits and values : Psychologists agree that it is important to choose an occupation that is compatible with your personality, particularly your dominant traits and values.
How does this regulation influence the nurses role : Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice and How does this regulation influence the nurses role
Manage counter transference in crisis counseling : What steps might you take to lessen the potential for and therefore manage counter transference in crisis counseling?


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