Describe the nature of the incentive conflict

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132604832

1. Venture capital (VC) firms are pools of private capital that typically invest in small, fast-growing companies, which usually can't raise funds through other means. In exchange for this financing, the VCs receive a share of the company's equity, and the founders of the firm typically stay on and continue to manage the company.

a. Describe the nature of the incentive conflict between VCs and the managers.

b. VC investments have two typical components: (1) managers maintain some ownership in the company and often earn additional equity if the company performs well; (2) VCs demand seats on the company's board.

Do these two components adequately address the incentive conflict you addressed in part (a.)? Explain.

Reference no: EM132604832

Questions Cloud

Difference between individual demand and market demand : How does supply differs from individual supply, and explain the difference between individual demand and market demand.
Give an example of a government-created monopoly : i. Give an example of a government-created monopoly. Is creating this monopoly necessarily bad public policy? Explain.
Make a distinction between price ceilings and price floors : 2.a) Make a distinction between price ceilings and Price floors.(Give examples of each of the price controls.
Determine the equilibrium prices and quantities for adults : Determine the equilibrium prices and quantities for adults and children. Explain your reasoning.
Describe the nature of the incentive conflict : a. Describe the nature of the incentive conflict between VCs and the managers.
Contrast the price elasticity of supply : Compare and contrast the price elasticity of supply and the price elasticity of demand
Describe in detail the public policy measures : iii. Describe in detail the Public Policy measures that the government uses to control monopolies.
Give an example of a government-created monopoly : i. Give an example of a government-created monopoly. Is creating this monopoly necessarily bad public policy? Explain.
Surplus for ryan in the competitive market outcome : Calculate the surplus for Ryan in the competitive market outcome.


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