Reference no: EM133833294
Assignment: Research Report
Research Topic: Prepare a research report of no more than 2500 words on the following topic:
'Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an internationalization strategy by which the firm establishes a physical presence abroad through direct ownership of productive assets such as capital, technology, labour, land, plant, and equipment. Internationalizing through FDI enables the firm to maintain a physical presence in key markets, secure direct access to customers and partners, and perform critical value-chain activities in the market. Choose ONE specific real-life example of FDI that involves an organisation investing in a foreign country. The chosen example must have occurred after the year 2020. Describe the nature of ownership in FDI, analyze and consider motives for FDI such as marketseeking, resource-seeking and efficiency-seeking motives, and finally, evaluate the benefits and the potential drawbacks of the FDI for both the home country and the host country. '
The report must include a Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents Page, Introduction, Main Body (use sub-sections/headings), Conclusion, and Reference List. The Cover Page, Table of Contents Page, and Reference list are not included in the word count. You will be assessed on your ability to recognise, analyse and discuss the key issues in the topic; and on your ability to appropriately use reference material to support your arguments. The quality of the sources of information you use, as well as your referencing skills, will be assessed. Written assignments must use the Chicago Referencing System and unsatisfactorily referenced papers will be returned unmarked. You are expected to use at least twelve different scholarly sources (a majority of which should be peer-reviewed journal articles and books) to support your arguments and discussion.
'Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an internationalization strategy by which the firm establishes a physical presence abroad through direct ownership of productive assets such as capital, technology, labour, land, plant, and equipment. Internationalizing through FDI enables the firm to maintain a physical presence in key markets, secure direct access to customers and partners, and perform critical value-chain activities in the market. Choose ONE specific real-life example of FDI that involves an organization investing in a foreign country. The chosen example must have occurred after the year 2022. Describe the nature of ownership in FDI, analyze and consider motives for FDI such as market-seeking, resource-seeking and efficiency-seeking motives, and finally, evaluate the benefits and the potential drawbacks of the FDI for both the home country and the host country. '
The report must include a Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents Page, Introduction, Main Body (use sub-sections/headings), Conclusion, and Reference List. The Cover Page, Table of Contents Page, and Reference list are not included in the word count. You are expected to use at least twelve different scholarly sources (a majority of which should be peer-reviewed journal articles and books) to support your arguments and discussion.