Describe the nature and seriousness of the problem

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Reference no: EM133641758

Homework: Research Proposal Paper- Problem Statement

The goal of this homework is to challenge you to integrate and apply majority of the information that you will learn through this class over the course of the semester to develop a research proposal. The research proposal can be quantitative or qualitative. Once you have identified a problem, you will then undertake a brief literature review on the topic and come up with objectives/research questions that your proposal will seek to address/answer. The purpose of the Research Proposal Paper- Problem Statement is to give me a good idea that you have chosen a topic that is researchable and falls within the remit of what we would be covering in this course. Based on this, I can recommend to you the method(s) that could best answer your research questions or hypothesis. A good introduction and clearly stating the problem that your proposal is seeking to address will ultimately help you a lot in the final research proposal paper. Your research proposal problem statement will typically involve:

A. Identifying the problem and describing the nature and seriousness of the problem,

B. Identifying gaps in the literature, and

C. Stating the objective(s)/research question(s) that the proposal will be addressing.

The problem statement is an important part of the research proposal. Watch the video below to discover what a problem statement is and why it's important.

Structure of the Problem Statement

Follow the outline listed below to structure your paper and ensure that you are including all of the relevant information.

A. Introduction and Background - Introduce the problem and briefly state the magnitude of the problem.

B. Identify the gap in the literature.

C. State your objectives of the proposed study, or questions you are seeking to answer, the specific hypothesis you are seeking to test

Reference no: EM133641758

Questions Cloud

How can the stigmatization of an illness change over time : How can the stigmatization of an illness change over time? What can medical anthropologists do to lessen the stigmatization of different types of illness?
Project manager be concerned about safety and security : Why would a project manager be concerned about the safety and security needs of his or her project team members?
Different kinds of specialized knowledge : A hospital in which employees have many different kinds of specialized knowledge and where there are many different departments
How does the align with ethical principles of social work : Share your thoughts on the importance of constituents being fully involved in decisions that affect. How does this align with ethical principles of Social work?
Describe the nature and seriousness of the problem : Identifying the problem and describing the nature and seriousness of the problem. Stating the objective/research question that the proposal will be addressing.
What are the ten steps in strategy development : What are the ten steps in strategy development? What is reengineering and why is it used?
What is one benefit of offering free bus pass to employees : What is one benefit of offering a free bus pass to employees? Counterproductivity can occur on the part of the employee.
People resist change because what is good for organization : People resist change because what is good for the organization is not necessarily good for the people who work there.
Discuss the ethical issues this situation raises : You book a meeting with the owner, Kerri, to discuss the ethical issues this situation raises.


Write a Review

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