Describe the method or design, tasks and procedures

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133775994

Topic - Supply Chain management

Assignment 1 - Group

This assignment will incorporate what you have learned about supply chains and logistics.

Selected Topic - Effect of organizational culture on sustainable procurement

Research and Annotated Bibliography

Research and Annotated Bibliography Requirements:
Complete the Searching Keywords handout with your chosen topic
Search your keywords in the following approved library sources:
Make sure you select "FULL TEXT", use "permalinks" as the URL in your citation
Business Source Complete:
Academic Search Complete:
CBCA Complete:
Google Scholar:
Google News:
Find a MINIMUM of 8 sources - I encourage more, the more the better.

Review Paper
Review Paper requirements:
Must be in APA 7 format with title, page numbers, headers, in-text citations and references at the end
Background Information: Define and describe your topic. What is involved in your topic? When was it first introduced - give a summarized history. Cover any relevant theoretical background you learned in class that applies to your topic. No more than 4 paragraphs.
Methods of Implementation
Describe the method or design, tasks and procedures of implementation.
Provide examples of companies who have implemented your topic
Advantages/Disadvantages of your topic
What are the advantages of implementation?
What are the disadvantages of implementation?
Use examples from companies who have implemented your topic
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Impacts on performance - compare revenue or results for before implementation and results after
What changed? Was it good a change? Bad change?
You should have tables/figures/graphs from this analysis for your poster
Use examples from companies who have implemented your topic

If you were implementing these methods for a company, what methods would you keep and why? What methods would you get rid of and why? How would you fix some of the disadvantages or weaknesses? How could you improve costs and benefits? Use what you learned in supply chain and logistics here and come up with potential solutions or ideas. Are there any new ideas or methods developing in this area? What would you do differently that could improve this situation? Can you find any examples or proof that this would work?

Summarize what you have learned, no more than 1 paragraph, or 5 sentences, no citations here, no new information.

Follow the APA format.

Reference no: EM133775994

Questions Cloud

Define direct and indirect costs for this practice area : magine a busy post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) in a large urban hospital. Define and discuss direct and indirect costs for this practice area.
Which would the nurse identify as a mechanical cause : The nurse is reviewing the pathophysiology of bowel obstruction. Which would the nurse identify as a mechanical cause of intestinal obstruction?
What does the nurse understand about the situation : The nurse notices the patient's arm, with the IV, is cool to touch and very edematous. What does the nurse understand about this situation?
Which is a problem-focused trigger : Several models of EBP, including the Iowa Model, distinguish problem-focused and knowledge-focused triggers. Which is a problem-focused trigger?
Describe the method or design, tasks and procedures : Effect of organizational culture on sustainable procurement - Describe the method or design, tasks and procedures of implementation. Provide examples
What action should the nursing supervisor take first : As the nursing supervisor walks past a client's room, they hear a family member berate and threaten. What action should the nursing supervisor take first?
What is a big cause of body weight decline for many adults : Ethical concerns are less of an issue when studying older adults. What is a big cause of body weight decline for many adults over the age of 60?
Which diagnosis does the nurse make : While assessing a client, a nurse finds the skin on the wrist appears pearl-pink, wet, and blistered. Which diagnosis does the nurse make?
Which condition nurse determines that medication prescribed : The nurse is collecting data from a client and notes that the client. The nurse determines that this medication has been prescribed to treat which condition?


Write a Review

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