Describe the meaning of trusts

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Reference no: EM133321560


Part 1

This segment will focus on antitrust policy. In particular, the Clayton Antitrust act of 1914. This antitrust policy supplemented previous antitrust laws (i.e. Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890).

For the article click About the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 (

1. Passed in 1914, the Clayton Antitrust Act was intended to strengthen previous anti-trust laws. Describe the Sherman Antitrust Act and what it intended to address within American politics, along with its shortcomings.

2. In the "Background" section, describe the meaning of "trusts." Why was it necessary to address the growing power of trusts or conglomerates? Explain your answer.

3. What did the Clayton Antitrust Act address that the Sherman Antitrust Act failed to address? Explain your answer and be specific. Also, what have been some amends made to the Sherman Antitrust Act over the years? Describe some of these specific amends and how they helped bolster the original intentions behind the Clayton Antitrust Act.

4. Explain the reason why labor unions were formed by the Clayton Antitrust Act.

5. Lastly, describe and explain the penalties for violating antitrust laws. What are some specific penalties for violating both the Sherman, as well as Clayton Acts? Explain your answer in detail.

Part 2

This part focuses on modern-day safety nets. In particular, we focus on the old age entitlement programs. The two old-age entitlement programs, social security, and medicare come with certain criteria regarding eligibility and other set policy criteria.

For the article on Social Security, click here How is Social Security financed? | Press Office | SSA

1. How is social security financed? How does funding social security involve both the employer and the employee, and even the self-employed? Be specific in your answer.

2. Explain the revenue sources and the percentage amounts that account for the social securities income stream.

For the article on Medicare, click here How is Medicare funded? | Medicare

1. How many people were covered by Medicare in 2017? What were the total expenditures for that year, as well?

2. What is the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund? How is it funded? Is there more than one funding source? Explain your answer.

Also, what does the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund pay for, as well?

3. What is the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund? How is it funded?

Also, what does the Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund pay for? Explain your answer.

For the article on Medicare parts A and B, click What Medicare covers | Medicare

1. For this last section, describe and explain what Medicare parts A and B cover, as well as what is not covered under Medicare parts A and B.

Part 3

Part 3 of this will focus on the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and how it was created by President Nixon in 1970.

The EPA still exists to this very day and is one of the bureaucratic agencies within the Executive Branch of government.

For the article click here The Origins of EPA | US EPA

1. During the 1960s, what were some environmental concerns among the American public? Be specific in your description.

2. President Nixon's addressed Congress regarding a wide scale of concerning environmental issues. Describe and explain both President Nixon's address to Congress, as well as the efforts taken by the executive council to address these ongoing environmental concerns. Be specific and detailed.

3. What recommendations for federal environmental issues did the council recommend? Explain several proposals and how they would pertain to the role and duties administered by the Environmental Protection Agency.

4. Lastly, who served as the first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency?

Reference no: EM133321560

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