Describe the materials for your research project

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Reference no: EM131792623

In a journal assignment, briefly describe the materials for your research project and discuss how you plan to analyze the data you collect.

Specifically, what statistical test(s) will you use?

This journal assignment is a great opportunity to have your instructor provide feedback regarding your data analysis plan so as to ensure you are on the right track.

This assignment is graded pass/fail based upon completion. In order to receive credit and instructor feedback, you will need to submit your journal assignment here for grading.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit the assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins

The materials for my research project consist of the following: an online questionnaire to be answered by SNHU PSY 510 and PSY 520 students and the most recent SPSS software program. The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect data from my target population and SPSS will be utilized to analyze the collected data. Specifically, I will be employing a correlational analysis.

The correlational coefficients (i.e. p-values, r-values) of the quantitative variables in my study will be analyzed to see if any specific and significant correlations exist between my variables.

This will allow me to answer my research question and accept or reject my hypotheses. Although this is the main statistical test/research design I will be using, I also plan to run a scatterplot to visually present the correlations present in the study. Additionally, certain descriptive statistics will be analyzed in SPSS such as the means, modes, and standard deviations of certain variables. Lastly, I also plan to run a boxplot just to check for any outliers that could skew and alter my overall data.

I thought about running a multiple regression too, but I am not sure if I should or if it's necessary to pursue this. My thought on it is multiple regression might be the best test to see how well type of goals, type of action orientation predict effort in goal striving, or something to that effect.

Reference no: EM131792623

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