Describe the market situation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132103410


You are required to write a Coursework of 3000 words on the case below:

You are the marketing executive of a company engaged in the sale of products. The top management desires to improve the performance and profitability of the company. As the marketing executive, you are directed to translate this vision of the top management. You perceived that this vision can be attained through possible growth opportunities like new product development (NPD), product innovation (Penetration), new market creation, and diversification.

To prepare a report, consider the points below.

1. Write the introduction explain the nature of the operations and product portfolio of the selected company.

2. Evaluate the internal and external environment of the company using, PESTLE and SWOT analysis

3. Describe the market situation, market segment andmarket share of the company in the industry.

4. Using the Ansoff's Matrix, determine which growth oppoitunities are most viable and appropriate for the company.

5. Conduct segmentation and identify the target market for effective positioning of the products based on the growth opportunities previously selected.

6. Develop an appropriate marketing mix for the proper positioning of the company to its prospective customers and market niche.

Coursework assesses the following module learning outcomes:

- Utilise a range of tools and techniques to analyse and evaluate markets, market opportunities and market segments.
- Use market and financial data to set and monitor marketing objectives and prices.
- Develop tactical level marketing plans which define marketing mixes appropriate to the marketplace, target group and market conditions.
- Demonstrate understanding of the need for maintaining quality and customer focus and for innovation in order to build and maintain competitive advantage.

Verified Expert

This research has conducted the PESTLE, SWOT and the question 3 through the use of tables. This study have utilized more than 10 referenced to complete the assignment. The market analysis has been conducted using the most recent information available through various reports and journals are utilized to identify the concepts required. The growth opportunities are identified from the information identified through SWOT and PESTLE. The growth opportunity from the Ansoff's matrix is used for identifying target customer segment, has also been included in this project.

Reference no: EM132103410

Questions Cloud

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Describe the market situation : GSP4064 - Introduction to Marketing - GULF COLLEGE — MUSCAT - Coursework - Evaluate the internal and external environment of the company using, PESTLE and SWOT
Create informational speech video using given steps : SPC1026 Please consider the following when you create your informational speech video: Your introduction should engage your specific target audience specific.
Describe forecasting and managing future trends : Describe forecasting and managing future trends, development, and change with a focus on emerging markets in Developing countries
Managing a business successfully : How do income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement contribute to managing a business successfully?
Identify two specific general education courses : Describe and explain a clear distinction between "globalism" and "globalization" after viewing the video and reading the article.



12/13/2018 3:22:18 AM

Company selected : Lexus company Please noted that question 2 and 3 shall be solved with tables. Please make quick references below each section in the report. They have highly experienced staff and they did it in so professional manner that my professor appreciated me for my assignment. The rates are quite affordable


9/3/2018 11:09:53 PM

F <35% Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of the theoretical issues is very poor. Only superficial points are made. The answer is so short or irrelevant that only a few marks are justified. For example, one or two points made which show only some peripheral awareness of possibly relevant issues. 0% No answer presented. A zero mark may also be warranted for unfair practice such as plagiarism or collusion.


9/3/2018 11:09:48 PM

D 40-49% 3rd class An answer that demonstrates limited understanding of the main issues. There is relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, however, this may be dealt with in a patchy and/or poor and confused for lower D grades. Many significant errors may be present. Lacks clarity of expression. The answer may be poorly planned and with little development of argument. FAIL GRADES: Grade E may be compensable if other assessments gain high marks E 35_39% An answer that fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the basic issues of the question. Relevant factual knowledge and/or factual awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, are very poor and limited. Many significant errors and omissions are apparent. Much or all of the answer is irrelevant to answering the particular question. Poorly organised.


9/3/2018 11:09:42 PM

B 60-69% 2.1 class An answer that demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or theoretical issues involved, with a few significant omissions of errors. The issues involved are dealt with overall in a systematic way. Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach but organised to show a comprehensive understanding. C 50_59% 2.2 class An answer that demonstrates an understanding of the basic issues in the question. There is a basis of factual knowledge and/or/ relevant theoretical issues. Although some errors and omissions may be apparent, most issues are dealt with clearly and accurately. The majority of issues have been dealt with at a level available through course material. The answer shows planning in its construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance will be presented.


9/3/2018 11:09:37 PM

Generic Assessment criteria: see Academic Handbook for detailed descriptions A 70%+ 1st class An answer that demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complex issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or theoretical issues included. Most of the important issues as dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way. Evidence of creativity, critical analysis and a wide base of referenced material beyond that of the core subject matter are included. No significant omissions or errors in written or oral communication.


9/3/2018 11:09:32 PM

The coursework will be marked and graded in accordance with the mark allocations shown above. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria at levels A to F. All marks are subject to agreement at the Examination Board. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria.


9/3/2018 11:09:23 PM

If you wish to include any images and/or relevant theoretical models to assist you in your explanation then do so. Please note that inclusion of any images or models will NOT be attributed any marks. Tutors will not read or comment on any draft or finished assignments before the hand in date, however, there will be plenty of opportunities to discuss your work with tutors. Your WRIT1- Coursework should be word-processed and clearly marked with the module name, module code and module leader.


9/3/2018 11:09:18 PM

You must acknowledge ALL your sources and all work should be correctly referenced using the Harvard system, with a complete reference list at the end of the paper. There is a guide on Blackboard so there are no excuses. You may include appendices; however, they serve only as a point of reference and NOT another way to write more. Please note marks will not be given for appendices.


9/3/2018 11:09:06 PM

This is a 3000 word WRIT1- Coursework (+ or 10%) please ensure that you do not go over the word count. A minimum of 10 different sources should be given (e.g., textbooks or business reports/websites but not lecture presentation material or general websites). All material, including charts, diagrams and statistics should be referenced using the Harvard system. If you research using just the recommended text from the reading list and/or base your WRIT1- Coursework on the lecture material alone you will not gain high marks. If you wish to gain higher marks you will need to engage in further reading using not just textbooks but also articles, and you should read around the topics.


9/3/2018 11:09:00 PM

Before, you decide as to which organisation to investigate, undertake some research to make sure that there is enough information available to you. The organisation can be from anywhere around the world. However, the organisation you select must be a REAL, tangible organisation and one that is currently in business. You should submit your WRIT1¬Coursework to Moodie before . All material, including charts, diagrams and statistics should be correctly referenced.


9/3/2018 11:08:49 PM

4 Clear presentation of market segment, target market and product positioning 15 5 Clearly defined marketing plan / marketing mix 20 6 Conclusion — clearly write your judgement or decision reached by reasoning. 10 7 Proper structure, Harvard style of referencing and citation (minimum of 10 sources) 10 Total 100


9/3/2018 11:08:38 PM

Sr. Criteria Marks Introduction, background and product portfolio of the company 10 2 Assessment of the business environment (PESTLE, SWOT) based on your selected organisation 20 3 Analysis and application of Ansoff's matrix 15


9/3/2018 11:08:22 PM

Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work. All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements. A word count must be stated at the end of your work. Your programme, year of study and the relevant module must be included as "footer" on each page. Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work. All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled. Your assignment/coursework should be submitted in one A4 transparent pocket unless it is not appropriate to do so (in which case, specific instructions will be provided by your module leader).


9/3/2018 11:07:32 PM

Additional Information (if any): This is a 3000 word report (+ or — 10%). Please ensure that you do not go over the word count. Assignment should be submitted from to your respective tutors. A. Written work Student name and identification.. must be clearly stated at the top of each page of the work. Where work is-fd be marked anonymously, only include the student number. A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced acknowledgements) must be included after the title page of your assignment Each page must be numbered.

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