Describe the major types of mutual funds

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132608328 , Length: 2100 Words

Financial Institutions

Question 1) Describe the six components of the CAMELS rating system
a. Capital Adequacy
b. Asset Quality
c. Management Quality
d. Earnings Quality
e. Liquidity
f. Sensitivity to Market Risk

Question 2) Explain the following commercial bank balance sheet items
a. Assets
• Cash and Due from depository institutions
• Investment Securities
• Loans and Leases
• Other Assets
b. Liabilities
• Deposits
• Borrowed Funds
• Other Liabilities
c. Equity
• Common and Preferred Stock
• Surplus and Additional Paid -in Capital
• Retained Earnings

Question 3) Describe the following types of Commercial Bank regulation
a. Safety and Soundness
b. Investor and Consumer Protection
c. Credit Allocation

Question 4) Explain the differences between the two major types of Insurance Companies
a. Life Insurance
b. Property and Casualty

Question 5) Describe the major types of Mutual Funds and identify the primary goals of some of the specific products
a. Short-term Funds
b. Long-term Funds

Reference no: EM132608328

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