Describe the main business problems and goals

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM132148811

Assessment Instructions

First, select a global IT organization with which you are currently affiliated or have worked for in the past, or one you would like to learn more about. This organization should be relevant to your professional goals, and sufficient information about this organization should be available through experience or research. You will use this same organization as a foundation for all of your assessments in this course.

Once you have selected your organization, you will evaluate the existing security infrastructure and suggest improvements appropriate to improving the cost and efficiency of managing the security. If assumptions need to be made, please list those assumptions in your assessment, so that your instructor is aware.

For this assessment, use the suggested resources, the Capella library, and the Internet to research the subject matter.

Describe the scope of your project by providing an overview of the selected organization: its size, its location, and your reasons for choosing it.

Describe the main business problems and goals as they relate to information technology. Include information relative to organizational user, organizational systems, and the security requirements.

Describe decision makers and stakeholders on whom you would rely to develop a requirements analysis, and traverse through the information gathering phases of a security infrastructure deployment project.

Define a project timeline and outline that coincides with the system and/or infrastructure component life cycle stages. Additionally, identify the security components, requirements, and concerns that will need to be addressed.

Explain the role of Availability, Confidentiality, Authentication, and Integrity in identifying the project scope for the organization.

Given the global nature of the organization, identify any unique challenges that you anticipate facing from a regulatory, human resources, and cultural standpoint.

You are encouraged to provide resources and citations. Any references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: If you use sources, ensure that resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Reference no: EM132148811

Questions Cloud

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