Describe the logistics system

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13706091

In preparation for your overall logistics White Paper Recommendation to the CEO, she has asked you to give her a "taste" of the different kinds of logistic systems and decisions that different industries use. You decide to prepare a PowerPoint presentation comparing and contrasting the logistics systems that are commonly used in the following 3 industries (include each of these in your presentation):

Question 1: Describe the steps in making sure that flights take off on time for an airline. Describe the different steps that must occur for an on-time plane departure. For example, how does the airline make sure that the plane is properly fueled on a timely basis?

Question 2: Describe the logistics system that overnight small package delivery companies use to ensure that timely delivery of undamaged packages occurs on a consistent basis. Discuss how packages are scheduled for pick-up and are picked up, tracked, and transported to the final destination, along with any other key activities.

Question 3: Describe the logistics steps that large mass merchandiser global supply chains use to ensure timely availability of inventory for routine and sales merchandise needs. This discussion must begin with the transportation from the foreign factory to its nearby port, and continue from there until it arrives at the mass merchandiser''s regional warehouses.

Reference no: EM13706091

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