Describe the level of ethical development

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Reference no: EM131702699

Assignment : Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business Assignment

In this Assignment you will read the Cengage® Case Study: "Barclay's Bank: Banking on Ethics " and then respond to the checklist items in a critical essay based on the scenario below.

Assignment Scenario:

As a new marketing associate with Barclays Bank, you are tasked with writing a critical essay summarizing what transpired during the investigation conducted by the United States Department of Justice into the abuse of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) interest rate regulated by the British Banker's Administration. This essay, if chosen by your new employer, will be the report presented to the Board of Directors.

Write a 2-3 page, (not including a title and references page), double-spaced, critical essay responding to the checklist items. For assistance with your Assignment, please use your textbook and library research resources. The instructions for you to execute this task are
as follows:

Directions for completing this Assignment:

1. Read the "Barclays Bank: Banking on Ethics" case study

2. Learn how to write a critical essay: Click Here

3. Use APA format and citation style, provide a title page and references, and do not forget to use in-text citations with their accompanying references so as to avoid plagiarism.

4. In your critical essay that includes your thesis, arguments, support, and conclusion, respond to the following:


? Describe the level of ethical development the executives at Barclays demonstrated when manipulating the LIBOR interest rates.

? Did Barclays Bank neglect social responsibility? What could they have done to be more socially responsible?

? What actions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) could Barclays have engaged in after the scandal broke to set things right and ensure that such an event would not happen again?

? Describe what level of morality would have been demonstrated if executives at Barclays asked themselves, "Even though manipulating the LIBOR will increase company profits, is it the right thing to do in the long run?"

? Explain the importance of ethics and social responsibility in marketing as a result of your case study analysis.

Directions for Submitting this Assignment:

Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. For additional help with your writing and APA citation, please visit the Writing Center accessed in the Academic Tools area, then select Academic Support Center and when the page opens, look in the bottom left quadrant for the Writing Center.

Attachment:- casestudy.rar

Reference no: EM131702699

Questions Cloud

Discuss improving skills among contact employees : Improving skills among contact employees is an effective customer-defined service standard
Discuss about delivering consistently high service quality : Companies that have been successful in delivering consistently high service quality do not have formal standards to guide employees
Provisions of title vii of the civil rights act : What are the main provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? Which employers are subject to Title VII? What employees or applicants are protected.
What is meant by a bona fide occupational qualification : What is meant by a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)? What must be shown to establish that job-selection requirements are a BFOQ?
Describe the level of ethical development : Describe the level of ethical development the executives at Barclays demonstrated when manipulating the LIBOR interest rates.
What is meant by disparate treatment : What is meant by disparate treatment? What is meant by disparate impact? What is the difference between disparate treatment and disparate impact?
Make the entry to record the partial refunding : Make the entry to record the partial refunding. Assume Latty Co. makes reversing entries when appropriate
What are the uniform guidelines for employee selection : What are the Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection? What is the Four-Fifths Rule, and how is it used? Answer must be typed, single spaced.
Prepare the journal entry for the salaries and wages paid : Total payroll of Walnut Co. was $1,870,000, Prepare the journal entry for the salaries and wages paid. Prepare the entry to record the employer payroll taxes


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