Describe the level of acceptance these changes might expect

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133560627

Assignment: The Ancient Fertile Crescent

A. Select a cultural component:

a. music - live or recorded
b. visual arts - gallery or street art
c. dance and theater - amateur or professional
d. cuisine - home-cooked, take-outs, chef-inspired, or street foods
e. sports - you can focus on one or more of the amateur or professional sports discussed in this course.

B. In 4 well-developed paragraphs, describe how you think that component will change over the next 50 years, and include

a. A description of the component

b. Your current experience with the component - what specifically do you like, dislike, or avoid

c. Cultural and other influences that might change the component in the next 10, 20, and 50 years

i. Imported culture - global influence or immigrant associated
ii. Government intervention
iii. Changing demographics of the United States

d. Describe the level of acceptance these changes might expect from people whose lives and traditions differ from your own

Things to remember:

A. There should be a minimum of 4 well-developed paragraphs.

B. Support your prediction with factual references. For example, if you think all music will be created by robots by 2070, support that with articles about the future of music.

Reference no: EM133560627

Questions Cloud

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Describe the level of acceptance these changes might expect : Describe the level of acceptance these changes might expect from people whose lives and traditions differ from your own.
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Discuss the financial position of company : Discuss the financial position of company for the two comparative years 2022 and 2021
Explain it was more advantageous to live in ancient egypt : Explain whether it was more advantageous to live in ancient Egypt or ancient Mesopotamia.


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