Reference no: EM132936592
Select a Canadian organization where there is an ongoing collective bargaining relationship. The organization can be either public sector or private sector. Then address the following:
1a. Provide a description of each of the employers in terms of:
• A brief history/ background of the company/ organization
• The industry or industrial sector in which the employer is located
• The organizations/institutions size
• The range of products/services provided or produced
• The competitive business environment (this is very important)
• Their record of performance/ success (this is very important)
• The organizational culture
• The management style
• The organizational structure (obtain or construct an organizational chart)
• Anything else you believe to be relevant
1b. Provide a description of the specific employer facility that is a party to the collective agreement in terms of:
• The specific physical location/ address of the employer's place of business
• The range of products/services provided or produced by the employer at this location 2a. Provide a description of the parent union in terms of:
• A brief history/ background of the union
• The type of union
• The type of workers it organizes
• The union's geographic scope of operations
• The union's international linkages if any
• The union's financial strength
• The union's militancy HRPD 709 W_2020: Industrial Relations - Assignment 1 2
• The type of leadership in the union - how are leaders of the union selected? - how does the union amend its constitution? - how often are conventions held? - how are decisions made between conventions?
• The union's organizational structure (please provide an organizational chart)
• The union's linkages with political parties or other political organizations if any
• The union's record of success in organizing and collective bargaining
• Anything else you believe to be relevant
2b. Provide a description of the specific union local that is that is a party to the collective agreement you are studying in terms of:
• The local number
• A brief history/ background of the local
• The composition of the bargaining unit represented in this case
• The type of leadership in the local union - how are leaders of the local union selected? - how does the local union amend its by-laws? - how often are general meetings held? - how are decisions made between general meetings?
3. Describe the legal framework for collective bargaining
• Is this employer/ industry subject to any special laws or regulations that impact their labour relations?
• If this is the case, identify the relevant laws/ regulations.
• What is the impact of these laws/ regulations on the conduct of labour relations?
4. Describe the bargaining structure
• Is it centralized or decentralized or multi-tiered?
5. Obtain and review the current collective agreements and report your findings and observations on the following items for each agreement:
• The duration of the agreement including the start and end dates
• The bargaining unit identified in the collective agreement
• Management rights
• Provisions on wage rates
• Provisions on seniority
• Provisions on union security (membership requirements, dues, union stewards, time for union business, use of employer facilities etc.)
• Provisions on discipline • Provisions on arbitration
• Provisions on downsizing/layoffs in general
• Provisions on downsizing/layoffs due to technological changes
• Provisions on downsizing/layoffs due to contracting out
• Any special provisions that you find either interesting or surprising Submit a copy the collective agreements with your assignment. This can be in pdf format or as a website link. Many collective agreements are available on-line. In addition, for more information, copies of provincially regulated collective agreements are available through the Ontario Ministry of Labour Collective Agreements e-Library Portal at: 6. Interview representatives of management and union officials to determine the state of labour relations within the organization.
The following key questions should be regarded as a minimum requirement.
• What are the key issues?
• Why are they important?
• Have there been labour conflicts/strikes (major/ minor) within the last ten years?
• If these workers are not allowed to strike, how are interest disputes resolved?
• If there have been labour/ conflicts/strikes (major/ minor) within the last ten years, what were the major issues in these conflicts?
• How common are grievances?
• What types of grievances are the most common?
• Why is this case?
• Anything else about the organization(s) of interest to your group?
THE ORGANIZATION WE CHOSE IS - Sobeys Capital Inc. (Freshco) and United Food Commercial Workers Union, Local 1518.