Describe the legal and ethical basis for public health

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Reference no: EM131490480

Part A -

1. Explain the roles of the EPA, OSHA, and NIOSH.

a. EPA:

b. OSHA:


2. Explain how the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and "superfund" (CERCLA) laws interrelate.

Part B -

1. Identify the main components and issues of the organization, financing, and delivery of health services and public health systems in the U.S.

2. Describe the legal and ethical basis for public health and health services.

3. Explain methods of ensuring community health safety and preparedness.

4. Discuss the policy process for improving the health status of populations.

Part C -

1. Identify social, cultural, and behavioral factors that influence health disparities and impact population health.

2. Identify basic theories and conceptual models from the social and behavioral disciplines useful in public health research and practice.

3. Identify individual, organizational, and community concerns, assets, resources, and deficits for social and behavioral science interventions.

4. Enlist critical stakeholders in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs, policies, and interventions.

5. Describe steps and procedures for planning, implementing, and evaluating public health programs and policies.

6. Apply evidence-based approaches in the development and evaluation of social and behavioral interventions to address health disparities.

7. Apply ethical principles to public health program planning, implementation, and evaluation.

8. Examine health behavior from the perspective of God's purposes for humanity in creation, fall, and redemption.

Part D -

1. The following table describes the distribution of health rating for a sample of patients:


Health Rating





















a. What is the variable described by this table? At what level is this variable measured?

b. What are the cases that are the units of analysis?

c. What is the central tendency of this distribution?

2. The following data are ages at death for a sample of people who were all born in the same year:

12, 34, 42, 48, 50, 54, 55, 55, 58, 59, 60, 65, 67, 68, 68, 69, 70, 70, 72, 74, 76, 76, 79, 81, 85, 87

a. Why is mode not an appropriate measure of central tendency for these data?

b. What is the mean age at death for these data (include the relevant units of measurement in your answer)?

c. Calculate the median age at death for these data.

d. Calculate the range for these data.

e. Calculate the interquartile range for these data.

f. Based on your calculations write a short description of this distribution

3. A company is interested in the use-life of its products as an indicator of product quality. It sets a use-life of 200 hours as the average length of use with which it believes its products should last. The Quality Control Department randomly samples 120 products and finds the mean use-life of these to be 203 hours. What will be the appropriate test to see if its products are produced at the desired sample?

4. If you reject a null hypothesis at the 1% level of significance (that is, alpha = 0.01) will you also reject it at the 5% level of significance? Why or why not?

Part E - Global Health Cognate

1. Discuss the concept of sustainability.

a. Capacity to maintain program services at a level that will provide ongoing prevention and treatment for a health problem after termination of major financial, managerial, and technical assistance from an external donor.

2. Differentiate between vertical and horizontal approaches to public health in developing countries.

a. Vertical approach:

3. Discuss the initial steps in assessing a community for basic healthcare needs.

4. Describe direct observational therapy (DOT) for tuberculosis.

5. Distinguish between cultural sensitivity and cultural competence.

6. Discuss high and low context, and give an example of a culture for each.

7. How does culture create health disparities?

8. Analyze challenges to overcoming infrastructure disparities in a developing nation.

9. Describe alternative solutions for meeting sanitation needs in developing communities.

10. Demonstrate affordable technologies to provide potable water for communities in need.

11. Describe water-washed and water-borne diseases.

12. Link major vector-borne diseases with the vector.

13. Discuss control of outbreaks of a vector-borne disease.

Part F -Health Promotion Cognate

1. It was becoming obvious to many that the suburb of Kingsville now had a drug problem, but few wanted to admit it. The community's residents liked their quiet neighborhoods, and most never thought that drugs would be a problem. Within the past year, the climate of the town had changed considerably. Incidents of teenagers being arrested for possession of alcohol or even other drugs, such as marijuana, were being reported more regularly in the newspaper. There seemed to be more reports of burglaries, too. There had even been a robbery and two assaults reported within the last month. The population of young adults in the community seemed to be increasing, and many of these individuals seemed to be driving impressive cars, using the hottest new digital devices, and wearing the latest clothes. All of these signs were obvious to a group of concerned citizens in Kingsville and suggested the possibility of a drug problem. So the concerned citizens decided to take their concern to the city council. Based on what you know about the problem in the scenario, answer the following questions:

a. How would you find out the real problem?

b. Who do you think are the gatekeepers in the community?

c. What groups of people in the community might be interested in solving the problem?

d. How would you organize these groups of people?

e. What groups might have a vested interest in seeing the problem unsolved?

f. What interventions would be useful in dealing with the problem?

g. How would you evaluate your efforts to solve the problem?

h. What strategies might you recommend to make the solution lasting?

2. The fundamental premise in the Guide to Community Preventive Services' Social Environment and Health Model is that access to societal resources determines community health outcomes.

a. What are the societal resources?

b. How do societal resources influence intermediate outcomes and ultimately, health outcomes?

3. Differentiate among the core concepts, models, theories, and strategies related to health education program planning.

4. Create a program rationale using valid and reliable secondary data.

5. Describe the main health program planning models and behavior change theories.

6. Relate public health program planning strategies to Healthy People 2020.

7. Explain the value of logic models in analyzing the components and desired outcomes/outputs of a health program/system.

8. Discuss the use and creation of research questions to answer questions using quantitative and qualitative evaluation techniques such as value assessments of products, pretest/post-test measures, ethnographic considerations, cost benefit analysis, etc.

9. List procedures for disseminating the results of evaluations in order to craft future health programs and to redesign existing ones with augmented ethnographic insights, enhanced productivity, and improved efficiency.

10. Describe how societal, organizational, and individual factors influence and are influenced by public health communications.

11. Explain the application of evidence-based approaches in the communication and evaluation of public health information.

12. Discuss the use of media, politics, agencies and churches to advocate for community health programs and policies.

13. Discuss acquisition and management of organizational resources.

14. List the human aspects needed to maintain a successful organization.

15. How does one determine the scope and limits to the activities of public health organizations?

Reference no: EM131490480

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