Reference no: EM13971698 , Length:
Managerial Leadership
Report No. 1
Personal Observation
The purpose of Personal Observation Reports (PORs) is to learn about the process of leadership by applying concepts and theories class to your personal life. The best way to systematically learn the content of the course is to do the PORs in a timely manner.
Be sure to respond to the specific instructions for each of the PORs. Perhaps a good way to view the POR is as a personal journal or diary. These are to be written in the first person. If the instructions say, "discuss," you should elaborate on the topic. Remember that the purpose of the POR is for you to discuss issues of leadership from your perspective. You need to provide the results of these questionnaires and interpret the results in light of the ideas you present in the POR. Each POR should be approximately 2-3 double-spaced typed pages. Collectively, these papers provide a clear picture of your own leadership perspective.
a) Think for a moment about trait leadership. What is your reaction to the phrase "he/she is born to be a leader?" Do you think some people have special leadership qualities? Is leadership something, which everyone can learn to exhibit? Discuss.
b) Select a leader from the business world, politics, religion, or education and describe the leadership traits that the selected leader exhibits. Is it traits that make him/her a leader? What one trait is most important? Discuss.
c) Complete the Leadership Trait Questionnaire -- Give your scores. Interpret your results, and based on the Rating Table identify and discuss your strength and opportunities for growth. What do they mean in light of the ideas you have presented above.
Leadership Traits Questionnaire
The purpose of this LTQ questionnaire is to measure your personal characteristics of leadership. The LTQ quantifies the perceptions of the individual leader and selected observers such as a subordinate or peers. It measures an individual's traits and points the individual to the areas in which he or she may have special strengths and weakness.
For each adjective listed below, indicate the degree to which you think the adjective describes you and three other people (e.g., your manager, peer, subordinate). Please, select the following responses to indicate the strength of your opinion about you and the three persons you selected and enter it in the Rating Table below.
Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree
Q1 Articulate: Communicates effectively with others
Q2 Perceptive: Discerning and insightful
Q3 Self-confident: Believes in oneself and one's ability
Q4 Self-assured: Secure with self, free of doubts
Q5 Persistent: Stays fixed on goals despite interference
Q6 Determined: Takes a firm stand, acts with certainty
Q7 Trustworthy: Act believably, inspires confidence
Q8 Dependable: Is consistent and reliable
Q9 Friendly: Shows kindness and warmth
Q10 Outgoing: Talks freely, gets along well with others
Report No. 2
The purpose of Personal Observation Reports (PORs) is to learn about the process of leadership by applying concepts and theories class to your personal life. The best way to systematically learn the content of the course is to do the PORs in a timely manner.
Be sure to respond to the specific instructions for each of the PORs. Perhaps a good way to view the POR is as a personal journal or diary. These are to be written in the first person. If the instructions say, "discuss," you should elaborate on the topic. Remember that the purpose of the POR is for you to discuss issues of leadership from your perspective. You need to provide the results of these questionnaires and interpret the results in light of the ideas you present in the POR. Each POR report should be approximately 2-3 double-spaced typed pages. Collectively, these papers provide a clear picture of your own leadership perspective.
a) In this POR No. 2, you are asked to reflect on your task/relationship style of leadership. Is task accomplishment important to you? Do you keep a calendar and lists? How do you react to others who don't seem to be very interested in "getting things done?" How will this affect your leadership? When you are leading a group what is your primary goal? - Do you like people to have a good time or do you want them to do the work? Discuss.
b) Complete The Leadership Style Questionnaire - Give your scores, totals, or results. Interpret your results and discuss what they mean in light of the ideas you have presented above.
Leadership Style Questionnaire
For each of the following statements, tick the ‘Yes' box if you tend to agree or the ‘No' box if you disagree. Try to relate the answers to your actual recent behavior. There are no right and wrong answers.
No. Statement Yes No
1 I encourage overtime work
2 I allow staff complete freedom in their work
3 I encourage the use of standard procedures
4 I allow staff to use their own judgment in solving problems
5 I stress being better than other firms
6 I urge staff to greater effort
7 I try out my ideas with others in the firm
8 I let my staff work in the way they think best
9 I keep work moving at a rapid pace
10 I turn staff loose on a job and let them get on with it
11 I settle conflicts when they happen
12 I get swamped by detail
13 I always represent the ‘firm view' at meetings with outsiders
14 I am reluctant to allow staff freedom of action
15 I decide what should be done and who should do it
16 I push for improved quality
17 I let some staff have authority I could keep
18 Things usually turn out as I predict
19 I allow staff a high degree of initiative
20 I assign staff to particular tasks
21 I am willing to make changes
22 I ask staff to work harder
23 I trust staff to exercise good judgment
24 I schedule the work to be done
25 I refuse to explain my actions
26 I persuade others that my ideas are to their advantage
27 I permit the staff to set their own pace for change
28 I urge staff to beat previous targets
29 I act without consulting staff
30 I ask staff follow standard rules and procedures
1. To obtain your leadership orientation rating, score 1 point for the appropriate response under the each heading, then total your scores. If your response is inappropriate you do not score. As a guide, a score of 5 or less is low and 12 or more is high.
People Score (maximum score 15)
Task Score (maximum score 15)
'Yes' for questions 2, 4, 8, 10, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27.
'No' for questions 6, 13, 14, 25, 29, 30.
Your Score:
'Yes' for questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28.
'No' for questions 12.
Your Score:
2. Next plot your position on the Leadership Grid.
Report No. 3
The purpose of Personal Observation Reports (PORs) is to learn about the process of leadership by applying concepts and theories class to your personal life. The best way to systematically learn the content of the course is to do the PORs in a timely manner.
Be sure to respond to the specific instructions for each of the PORs. Perhaps a good way to view the POR is as a personal journal or diary. These are to be written in the first person. If the instructions say, "discuss," you should elaborate on the topic. Remember that the purpose of the POR is for you to discuss issues of leadership from your perspective. You need to provide the results of these questionnaires and interpret the results in light of the ideas you present in the POR. Each POR report should be approximately 2-3 double-spaced typed pages. Collectively, these papers provide a clear picture of your own leadership perspective.
a) Psychologist, researchers and leaders in all walks of life are increasingly recognizing the critical importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). EQ has a lot to do with your ability to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage your emotions as well as emotions of others. Being emotionally intelligent means being able to effectively manage ourselves and our relationships. Which of the four components of emotional intelligence do you consider most essential to an effective leader? Why?
b) How do you feel about the emotional qualities of yourself and other people in your organization as a way to be an effective leader? Discuss.
c) Complete the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Give your scores, totals, or results. Interpret your results and discuss what they mean in light of the ideas you have presented above.
The following questions are ‘triggers' to help you understand and estimate the dimensions of emotional intelligence that are strongly developed or may need development in yourself. Answer them honestly!
5 = Always 4 = Usually 3 = Sometimes 2 = Rarely 1 = Never
1. I'm aware of even subtle feelings (disappointment, worry, frustration, etc.) as I have them.
2. I find myself using my feelings to make big decisions in my life.
3. Sad moods overwhelm me.
4. When I'm angry, I blow my top or fume in silence.
5. I can delay gratification in pursuit of my goals instead of getting carried away by impulses.
6. When I'm anxious about a challenge, such as a test or public talk, I find it difficult to prepare well.
7. Instead of giving up in the face of setbacks or disappointments, I stay hopeful and optimistic.
8. People don't have to tell me what they feel - I can sense it.
9. My keen sense of others feelings make me compassionate about their situation.
10. I have trouble handling conflict and emotional upsets in relationships.
11. I can sense the pulse of a group or a relationship and state unspoken feelings.
12. I can soothe or contain distressing feelings in a group so that they don't affect relationships or performance.
13. I am honest and open about the things that hurt or bother me at work and home.
14. I am able to lead a group discussion to solve a complex problem even where there is strong disagreement and argument.
15. I can genuinely feel the hurt, sorrow or anger of another person when he or she describes a major problem or upset he or she has.
Emotional Intelligence Scoring:
Question 1.
Question 8.
Question 13.
Total _____
Question 2.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Total _____
Social Skills in Managing Others
Question 10.
Question 12.
Question 14.
Total _____
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Total _____
Question 9.
Question 11.
Question 15.
Total _____
TOTAL EQ SCORE (total out of a possible 75)